A photo from open sources
The official “birthday” of a UFO is June 26, 1947. It was then that the American businessman and pilot Kenneth Arnold, flying over the Cascade Mountains, I saw 9 strange objects in the sky. Arnold reported this to the Central Aviation Service, using when describing the term “flying saucer”. Subsequently ufo saw repeatedly, besides the testimony of witnesses, there are photos and video materials. Many in the hype around UFOs see machinations journalists seeking articles on “flying saucers” to raise circulation of their newspapers. But there are people who believe in UFOs, moreover, they believe so fiercely that it already turns into a kind of religious cult.
In the 30s of the XX century George traveled to US cities Adamsky, telling everywhere about his meetings with aliens. Can it would be considered a curiosity, but Adamson found supporters, who organized into a religious community – Royal Order Tibet and founded a monastery in California. For more than 20 years, Adamsky carried the teachings of aliens in the light, gave interviews, continued his performances and stood at the head of the cult organized by him.
In the late 1950s, the “Church of the Ecumenical wisdom. “Its founder, Van Tassel, claimed that since 1951 maintained constant contact with the alien Solgoda. Unique knowledge from space contactee, Tassel outlined in 5 (!) volumes. At Tassel’s direction, church members began construction of a grand installation, the size of a 4-storey building. The alien directly oversaw the construction, passing on his directions through Tassela. What benefits should this bring installation to humanity remains unknown since construction remained incomplete.
In the 70s a whole group of Peruvian youth came into contact with the inhabitants of the moons of Jupiter Ganymede and Callisto. Communication took place through automatic writing. Received scientific and philosophical the principles were united in the gospel of Oksalka (named for one of alien contactees). The movement received the name “Society Rama “and found a lot of supporters, both in Latin America, so and in Europe.
In 1993, someone named Kerver told the world that in the bowels Arco Mountains in the Andes is the underground city of Isidris, which ruled by an interplanetary society. He received information from space alien commander Nhemmokoma. Now the surroundings of the mountain populated by people. Believing in the underground city, they meditate for days, hoping to get into another dimension and see Isidris as his eyes.
All these (and not only these) UFO cults are created as carbon copy: a charismatic “prophet” appears, claiming to have (or has) contact with representatives of an alien mind and begins to broadcast to the world the knowledge of “higher beings.” Never this knowledge are scientific, but always spiritual, the knowledge of which achieved as a result of a long spiritual self-improvement. All that the followers of these profess UFO cults already exist in Christianity, Buddhism and other world religions.
Is it possible that there is at least one among the charlatans, really having contact with aliens? Very much perhaps there is. Only world practice shows that such contact never becomes an impetus to development. Movement towards the heights of technical and spiritual development is a long process, neither accelerate nor slow down. Premature initiation to material and spiritual achievements leads to the emergence of a cult cargo. Believer, before worship, in a flying saucer different from the native praying for the first time he saw to the plane.