“They are everywhere. They are looking at us. They are in the main corridors of power, captured our main companies, and took under control the most important institutions such as the Federal Reserve Bank, International Monetary Fund and United Nations. Photos from open sources These creatures are reptilians, and they always been here. ” This little snippet is just part widespread opinion movement facilitated the existence and reality of reptilian creatures in our society. As we discussed in “Reptilianos, an ancient conspiracy” in the idea of race reptilian creatures, there is nothing new. According to experts in this matter, reptilians have always been among us, creatures who similar to humanoid lizards that can take the form of man, and reign over us through political and managerial leadership.
Photos from open sources Over time, the number of people who believed in this idea suggested by a man named David Ike, increased a thousandfold .. Hundreds of YouTube videos uploaded to show all sorts of political and famous leaders with amazing reptilian transformations that indicate that this theory is much more than just imagination.
Photo from open sources Now the reptilian conspiracy has gone much further. Last month, Auckland resident, (New Zealand), Shane Warbrooke Filed Under Official Law Information (AI), Prime Minister of New Zealand John Kay, asking (to resolve this issue once and for all), publicly reply: “Is the Prime Minister really a reptiloid in in the guise of enslaving humanity. ” Does it Prime Minister John Kay reptiloid?
Photos from open sources Many would think that Shane Warbrooke is a conspiracy theorist, but he’s just writer. According to various local media information, Shane filed a motion, thinking that no answer would be given. At that time, an investigation was underway on unexplained phenomena in New Zealand. “When I gave the request, I was doing serious research for a documentary and a book without actually waiting answer, ”Shane told the media. Warbrooke made an unusual request OI 30 January without any evidence to refute the version of that Prime Minister John Kay may actually be reptiloid. But February 11, Key Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, – answered the request, not wanting to either confirm or deny this version. Eagleson just said he was not able to answer per request since he did not have enough data to disprove this version. But public opinion was surprised a recent statement by the Prime Minister of New Zealand who responded publicly to Shane’s request: “Key said he had visited medical and veterinary institutions just to make sure that not really an alien, a reptiloid humanoid that changes shape. ” “As far as I know, I’m not a reptiloid. I accepted an unusual decision not only to see a doctor, but also to the vet, and both confirmed that I was not a reptiloid, ”said Key MEDIA. “So I’m certainly not a reptile. I’ve never been to spaceship I’ve never been in space and my tongue is not too long.”
Reptiloid Time