New Zealanders showed a UFO near their at home

New Zealanders showed a UFO near their homePhoto from open sources

A couple from the New Zealand city of Auckland told ufologists that unidentified people constantly appear above her house in the dark flying objects. As evidence, the couple provided specialists photos and videos of alleged alien vehicles.

50-year-old Patricia and Lance Rasmussen living near the harbor of Manukau, they report that for more than a year they have been observing the mysterious multi-colored lights flying near their home. Husband and wife are convinced that these are not airplanes or balloons, since UFOs have small dimensions and hover relatively low above ground. And they fly completely silent.

The couple even had to contact a representative of the Office civil aviation, but he could not find out from his office the nature of inexplicable aircraft. The official said that UFO reports are only recorded from pilots, so simple it is difficult for citizens to help in this matter.

A photo from open sources

Previously, the Rasmussen believed that they were being watched nightly. jokers with a quadrocopter, but this was not so, because the beam from a flashlight (quite powerful) did not reach the unidentified objects – they were too high.

Over the past year, the couple took many photos of these multi-colored UFO in the dark sky. Really visible on a black background lights of various shades. And on March 30, a surveillance camera in the yard New Zealanders recorded one unidentified object in the video. By turning on the video below, you can see how a UFO flies a few seconds over the trees in the garden of a married couple.

According to Patrice and Lance, these objects are like spheres, visually three times the size of compact discs. They are able to quickly change color and shape. When the Rasmussen saw UFO for the first time, the couple were seriously scared, but now they’re almost used to the constant appearance of intruders from space. “And in the evenings they even expect their appearance, and when they don’t arrive, a little upset …

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