Norwegian shot a strange pulsating object in the sky

The Norwegian shot a strange pulsating object in the skyPhoto from open sources

Earlier this month, a resident of Norway, using a camera with with a night vision device, captured mysteriously in the dark pulsating object in the sky.

A man went out in the evening with his son to the street to shoot a star the sky, and at some point the Norwegians noticed a bright blinking an unidentified flying object that is relatively fast moved through the sky. Dimensions, flight path and UFO behavior They say that this is not a comet or a meteor.

Father and son continued to shoot a mysterious object until it disappeared from their field of vision. Eyewitnesses posted their video in The World Wide Web, where she instantly attracted the attention of ufologists. Many researchers of flying saucers and representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations admitted that they had never seen anything like it. “It obviously not a satellite, not a plane, not a helicopter and not space junk, “- reports famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring.

The Norwegian says: “My son and I went out late at night porch to take pictures of the sky with a camera with night vision function. We looked up for a while, and then my son suddenly noticed round bright object that appeared in the frame on the right side. The object pulsed, emitting surprisingly intense light. it happened over and over while he was crossing the sky. I’m interested astronomy for a long time, and have never seen satellites with such incredibly powerful lights. At first this UFO was moving enough quickly, but then slowed down when flew up to the mountains on another side. After that, we lost sight of the object, since near the mountains were too cloudy. ”

An eyewitness made another curious statement. According to him According to him, after an unidentified flying object hid behind in the clouds, followed by six earthly aircraft like fighter aircraft. Is the Norwegian government spotted “flying saucer” and decided to intercept it? Unfortunately, the answer to we are unlikely to find out this question, since such information the military and governments prefer to hide in every way.

Time Aircraft Scott Waring

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