Photos from open sources Today It’s no secret that the alien base is on the moon, who, for example, accompanied all the flights of Americans to this satellite, and no longer try to hide their presence here, like, however, on Earth. However, amateur astronomers and ufologists continue find traces of aliens from outer space on the moon.
This is not just for fun. The fact is that not one a country, not a single space agency, say, the same NASA, did not officially recognize the presence on the moon and on our planet aliens that either follow our civilization, or perform experiments unknown to our mind over us. But because scientific knowledge of this phenomenon continues, the path even with the help of Here are such fans of the paranormal.
A photo from open sources
Recently, the famous ufologist Scott C. Waring (Scott S. Waring) with using Google Moon found another city in one of the lunar craters aliens (or a kind of hive, as this cluster clearly defined man-made buildings Scott himself). Google moon tool can Take advantage of everyone who has the Internet at hand. Town aliens can be found at the coordinates – 18 ° 0’56.81 “S 86 ° 7’35.50 “W. This is in the Lacus Veris region.
A photo from open sources
These are the pictures you get when you go looking aliens – to the moon, using the tips of the famous American ufologist. In addition to the city itself, Scott also found face (or mask), something comparable to what was once photographed on the Red Planet and that made an unprecedented noise in among ufologists. But even then, NASA specialists were skeptical Martian find, I think, and new data on their lunar UFO bases don’t worry.
The invaders of our planet have long been present on Earth and, rather In total, they carry out their genetic experiments among earthlings (only this can explain that modern man has practically no ancestors in the animal world, as if it appeared from nowhere). Well, the moon for them – a transshipment base or even a laboratory. However, perhaps on Earth itself there are many such laboratories. At least least, the authors of the new documentary project “Who Occupied the Earth?” prove that one of them is in the Far East and that the city of Vladivostok was built at one time by no means for the purpose protect the region from foreign invaders. Then for what? ..
NASA Moon Time