Photo from open sources
Romanian tourist who visited recently with a group of others travelers of the Republic of Kosovo, managed to photograph there unidentified flying object. It happened by accident on Luboten – the highest mountain in the country, rising two s half a kilometer above the sea. The picture has already managed to fly around many World Wide Web resources, riveting the attention of numerous experts and ordinary users.
On the morning of October 25th, a Romanian climbed up with his comrades the top of the mountain, periodically taking pictures along the way. Nothing suspicious or supernatural he is in that bright and I didn’t notice a day full of impressions. However, upon returning home, a man a few days later sat down to look at a laptop the pictures taken during the campaign and unexpectedly noticed on one of these, a real UFO that stands out from the environment the setting. It happened on the third of November.
A photo from open sources
At the time of the shooting, an alleged alien ship similar to shiny metal ball flying near the top of the mountain ridge. Take a traveler photo a second earlier or a second later, he would probably miss a mysterious object from the frame. “Probably these shots are taken once in a lifetime. I would never I thought that I would become one of the people who were lucky take a picture of a UFO. But I’ve never even been interested ufologii “, – the Romanians amazed by the find find.
According to the author of an unusual picture, in climbing, besides him, about two hundred and thirty people participated, but none of them did not notice then the flying ball. There’s probably nothing in this surprising since the fast-moving UFO did not catch sight even the photographer who captured him. In addition, tourists at that moment stopped at a halt and did not particularly look at the sky.
The author sent the image to representatives American non-profit organization “Mutual UFO Network”, studying UFO sightings around the world. Experts who familiarized themselves with the picture noted that the photograph deserves close attention. On it, according to experts, an unidentified orb-class aircraft is visible, that is spherical or spherical aircraft of unknown origin.