Photos from open sources of
Famous Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring says what’s happening to him the other day an unknown person contacted who managed to capture something amazing on the moon. This individual being amateur photographer, shot at night a natural satellite of the Earth and suddenly noticed a dark object on the shining surface of Selena triangular in shape, suspiciously looking like a giant the pyramid. Of course, an eyewitness immediately captured it on camera.
Surprisingly, almost at the same time he reported a similar find another ufologist, Scot George Graham. By including the following video recording, you can see this anomaly yourself. According to Graham, he was looking at fresh satellite images of the moon, made by one of the telescopes of the american national space agency, and saw this object, which immediately He considered the construction of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Is it really is there really a giant pyramid on the moon?
A photo from open sources
Famous ufologists and conspiracy theorists, however, belong to such news without much surprise. The same Graham repeatedly found whole cities of aliens in photographs of Selena, however his discoveries, as you might guess, did not translate into global sensations. Graham, Waring and other “space detectives” consider that the ordinary citizen’s consciousness is simply not able to accept the picture of the world where the Earth is just a tiny grain of sand in the universal the ocean of life, and aliens – everywhere and everywhere.
Moreover, says Scott Waring, this reticence in society is strongly supported by the powerful of this world – governments, the military and their minions are Orthodox scholars. For example, back in 1991 at the Bermuda Triangle Conference, Verlag Meyer oceanographer tells the world about two “glass” pyramids at the bottom of the ocean, which are clearly man-made, but based on extraterrestrial technology. And what exactly are these pyramids most likely cause abnormalities in this mysterious place of the planet. So what? All further studies were immediately terminated, already received data is classified, and German researcher Meyer is suspended from work on this topic. USA practically closed Bermuda a triangle for independent scientists … But pay attention – speech it’s about the pyramids again: apparently these buildings that people meet in different parts of the Earth, under water, even underground, and now also in space – have some tremendous significance for the Ecumenical mind. But what do we know about this, and what the powers of the world hide from us of this, even NASA, which fools any discoveries of ufologists and virtual archaeologists. Or pretends that nothing is happening, say, on the same moon, on the same Mars. Pay attention: around and everywhere they have a para-idol illusion …
Bermuda Triangle Moon Pyramids Scott Waring