On the site of the St. Petersburg plant found photos with “flying saucer”

On the site of the St. Petersburg plant found a photo withA photo from open sources

Runet users unexpectedly made an amazing find on The site of one of the St. Petersburg engineering plants. On the a random photograph of an industrial building, it turned out to be a very strange detail. In the upper left corner of the image a mysterious object suspiciously similar to classic “flying saucer”.

Many regulars of the Russian-speaking segment of the Network felt that this is it. Really over the Russian factory by accident photographed a real aircraft representatives of extraterrestrial civilization? Is there really a potential sensation?

Some of the most skeptical individuals suggest that it’s a joke of a photographer or web designer, the so-called “easter egg” for attentive visitors site. According to other doubters, this is an ordinary optical illusion. However, note that the alleged a metal UFO looks sharp enough to be could be confused with a cloud or a reflection of the sun in the lens cameras.

It is also curious that the described plant produces equipment for the nuclear industry. Foreign and domestic ufologists have repeatedly claimed that aliens are interested terrestrial nuclear power since its discovery by man. It turns out that control by them is carried out for Russian nuclear fuel producers …

Another thing is surprising: how do aliens know how to deftly disguise that this pretty big aircraft nobody noticed at the factory: neither security, nor security service, which probably looks after so important for the country production facility. And only a random photo became suddenly a “revelatory document.” Maybe still right skeptics, and in reality this is the most common “Easter egg”? Although, on the other hand, why this joke was allowed for so long beautify a factory site? Yes, and not uncommon today, such materials with “flying saucers” accidentally caught in the lens (see video below).

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