On the web, they collect money for a satellite for tracking for UFO

The network collects money for a satellite to track UFOsA photo from open sources

On the Indiegogo fundraising site implementation of production, scientific and creative ideas according to the scheme voluntary donations, an unusual project appeared, which Ufologists from all over the world will certainly be interested.

Enthusiasts of this project intend to collect fifty thousand dollars to build a small satellite that will walk on orbit the earth and engage in one single goal – to track down unidentified flying objects and various space anomalies.

Aircraft that may be born thanks to the generosity of ordinary Internet users who believe in existence extraterrestrial civilizations, received the name “CubeSat”. Sponsored by the project are Canadian ufologists who are committed to proving earthlings that the american national research office space in every possible way hides information about the appearance near the Earth flying saucers and other UFOs. According to enthusiasts, they understand that NASA might start putting them in the wheel, but they hope that global support will protect the project from American attacks.

“CubeSat” will be a small low-orbit satellite – like those launched into space by private research firms. The aircraft will be equipped radiation sensors, a thermal imager and a camera capable of continuous Broadcast video over the Internet. A somewhat similar feature performed by a camera aboard the International Space Station however its broadcasts are strictly controlled by NASA representatives, and if in frame gets any anomaly, space employees agencies prefer to interrupt the broadcast, and then or remain silent, or carry utter nonsense from the point of view of ufologists.

So far, eight philanthropists donated only four hundred to the idea sixty dollars. The authors of the project report that by investing in the project five thousand dollars, you will automatically become a member of the team and You can take a direct part in the construction of the satellite. Behind a donation of ten thousand you will be allowed to manage launching the device.

NASA money

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