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Our Lady or the Holy Virgin in one form or another is in almost all world religions. Moreover, veneration of her so great that it suggests that through this saint the image of humanity intuitively worships the Pramater of the World. But because it’s not important that this Virgin Mary is Christian, is Sumerian Inanna (Queen of Heaven) or the goddess Tonatsin of the ancient Aztecs.
Virgin Mary appeared to the Aztec
We did not mention the Aztecs by chance, since the speech in this article will focus on the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary in Mexico, and was given it is Aztec. He had just adopted Christian faith and therefore was hardly the most zealous admirer of Jesus Christ, who was rewarded for this with such great mercy from the Mother of God. Nevertheless, if you believe the records of the nobleman Antonio Valeriano, then in back in 1531, exactly ten years after the conquest of the local Indians (Aztec empires with their capital Tenochtitlan – now Mexico City) by Spanish forces led by Hernan Cortes, the Aztec Juan Diego Tolpetlaka on the morning of December 9 went to church of the city of Tlatelolko. And it became the forerunner of the present miracle …
A photo from open sources
Since the church was fourteen kilometers from it at home, on the way Juan had to go around Tepeyak hill, once former ancient Aztec sanctuary. However, this time something went not quite usual, since wonderful music came from the hill and surprisingly sweet singing. And then Diego also called out pleasant female voice. It was the Blessed Virgin. It is not clear how Juan determined that it was precisely Our Lady, it must be assumed that for she was primarily the goddess Tonatsin, especially since, according to Aztec description, the woman was black, which is not very consistent with the traditional image of the mother of Jesus Christ.
But just this, if we take into account that the Mother of the World can take any image that is most consistent with the idea of her one or another person, it does not matter. What is more interesting is that The Blessed Virgin asked Diego to hand him over to the bishop (Franciscan Juan de Zumarraga) of the city of Tlatelo so that he builds on a hill Tepeyak temple.
We will not go into detail, as it was in the notes of Antonio Valeriano, talk about all the adventures of Diego, because, of course, no one believed in his meeting with the Virgin Mary the first time. Only in his third visit to the bishop, the Aztec was able to convince Juan de Zumarrag is that he is telling the truth. It’s a matter of fact that from a man demanded some evidence of the truth of such a miraculous visions and such a request of the Mother of God. Virgin Mary agreed to this and told Diego to climb the hill and pick up fresh roses that would become confirmation of the veracity of his words. Notice that on this hill even in the best seasons no flowers grew, especially in December. But the Aztec obeyed his goddess, rose to a hill and, to his surprise, actually saw beautiful roses, which he carefully plucked, wrapped in his white cloak – tilma, and then carried it to the bishop.
A photo from open sources
This time the bishop was not alone, he invited other priests, because he expected Diego to bring some evidence that he really is the Holy Virgin. And the Aztec brought, and even more amazing proof of a miracle than just real flowers in December. When he unwrapped his white cloak, then the roses fell on the floor and began to dissolve in the air. It was surprisingly, but as it turned out, the miracle did not end there. On the the white tilme of the Aztec imprinted the image of the Virgin Mary.
After that, the bishop decided to build a Christian temple on the hill Tepeyak, and the tilma with the image of Our Lady soon placed in a specially prepared place in the chapel.
The ageless image of the Virgin Mary on eternal tilma
In this legend, told by Antonio Valeriano, it was possible not to believe, if not for a fantastic cloak with the image of the Virgin, which still exists. That is, almost five hundred years have passed, but neither tilma itself, made from the fibers of the Mexican agave (from tissue, which usually crumbles to dust after 20 years), does not aged for this for a long time, not a bit of paint on her faded. Moreover, this is only recently tilma stored under glass and no one even touches it, in for centuries, a cloak hung in a church in a free access, she was touched, kissed, even sometimes wrapped in her sick with the goal of a miraculous cure. And nothing with this fantastic it didn’t happen, she didn’t grow old and didn’t lose her the freshness of that distant 1531, when it became evidence the real miracle is the appearance of the Aztec of the Virgin Mary.
A photo from open sources
By the way, we note that this is a miracle of miracles that happened in Mexico in sixteenth century, recognized only in 1754 by Pope Benedict Xiv. And today, even scientists around the world are at a loss – what is it and how it is possible if you do not admit that such miracles do not consistent with the laws of our physical world, nevertheless happen.
The fact is, back in 1936, a professor at Heidelberg University, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Richard Kuhn studied dyed tilma threads with the image of the Virgin Mary and was extremely surprised since it was the coloring matter of non-animal non-vegetable and not even of mineral origin. Twenty Years Mysterious fabric with the image of Our Lady studied by the famous physicist Francisco Camps Rivera to prove that this is fake. He was also shocked by what he saw under a powerful microscope, because he realized that it’s not even painting at all, but rather a photograph, moreover, made so fantastic that the technology of applying it to the fabric even in the mid-twentieth century simply did not exist, not to mention early sixteenth century.
Authenticity and at the same time not amenable to any reasonable explain the fantastic image of Maria of Guadalupe on the canvas confirmed by professors Jody Smith and Callahan who subjected mysterious mexican tilma scanning with the most modern appliances of the late seventies of the last century, for example, based on infrared radiation. Scientists were quite Puzzled, because they did not find any traces of applying any paints to canvas, not to mention the necessary primer and so on. It was a real phenomenon when even the fibers of the fabric were surprisingly clean and even the smallest particles of coloring matter were not found between them. Moreover, the “photograph” on the canvas was made impeccably…
A photo from open sources
But this is not all the wonders of the image of Maria of Guadalupe, back in 1929 year Mexican photographer Alfonso Gonzalez examined in the pupils Our Lady of some figures, for example, a bearded man. In 1951 year, the artist Carlos Salinas practically made the same conclusions and published his findings. In 1955, specially created with this goal, the commission confirmed the presence in the pupils “drawn” on canvas of the Madonna microscopic image of a man’s face, conditionally having determined that it may be a “portrait of Juan Diego.”
The commission became interested in such amazing findings. renowned ophthalmologists Rafael Torifa Lavouana and Javier Torrell Bueno. In their opinion, the figures in Maria’s eye are exactly the same, which reflects the pupil of a living person. Then they got down to business ophthalmologists led by Dr. Walig who are found in pupils of the Madonna of Guadalupe several human figures making generally a fantastic assumption: the imprint in the pupils of the Mother of God arose when Diego unfolded his cape, that is Our Lady seemed to look at those present from the canvas priests.
A photo from open sources
Dr. Padilla later, already using computer technology, confirmed all the findings of previous researchers. He was even identified in the pupil of the Madonna, Bishop Ramirez Fuenleal. And experts from New Jersey discovered another fantastic detail on tilma Diego – on the cover of St. Mary’s starry scattering exactly repeats the constellation of heavenly bodies, which was that wonderful day over Mexico City, when Diego brought the bishop flowers from the Madonna …
The Basilica of Maria of Guadalupe today
In 1976, a large cathedral was built in Mexico City in honor of Mary Guadalupe, accommodating more than ten thousand people. In year celebration of the 450th anniversary of the amazing miracle of the basilica in Mexico City visited by Pope John Paul II, two decades later he canonizes the baptized Aztec Indian Juan Diego, naming him a saint.
By the way, note that today to bow to this wonderful image Our Lady comes to Mexico annually more than twenty million human. The miraculous tilma itself is moved to the lower altar and located under the glass. Strictly offering flowers and decorations to her forbidden, and standing near it is not allowed, so the pilgrims just drive past this miracle on a special ribbon device. All this is done for security reasons, since the canvas was committed several attempts, though unique the relic was not affected in any way.
A photo from open sources
No fee for visiting the temple and viewing the image of Mary Guadalupe is not taken, the Holy Madonna and so brings Mexico City huge income, because people come here from all over the Earth, mostly, of course, Catholics. Note that today 97 percent Mexicans are Catholics, but historians are sure that in sixteenth century local people – indigenous Indians, not looking on their acceptance of the Christian faith and baptism, saw on this a fantastic canvas not to the Virgin Mary, but to her goddess Tonatsin and worshiped her. However, as we said, there is no the difference is how a person perceives the Mother of the World. Astonishing her image in Mexico only confirms that she exists and her power is unlimited, even if some manifestations of its presence in our world is so fantastic, truly fabulous, and therefore completely unexplainable by human logic and physical laws of the earth …
Time mexico