A photo from open sources
In the scientific world, it made a sensation similar to a bomb explosion in empty room: not someone but a world-famous biologist Stephen Benner said that we are not alone in the universe, but our great Homeland is Mars.
Humanity has long been in a strange situation. With one parties, like a lot of evidence that our Earth does not may be the only “intelligent planet”, and on the other – official authorities in every possible way hide alien contacts and other “piquant” information about space (I wonder why).
And although scientists are increasingly declaring that we are not alone in endless space, few people believe them, because the layman is used to look back at official sources of information coming from the authorities haves.
In the proposed film, you can find answers to many similar questions such as: where did life come from; why authorities hide the truth from us (even distort images from Mars); what stone sphinx in fact; when and why were the pyramids built in Egypt what the Red Planet looked like in the past; what “scary” secrets of the moon; who guards the “dead” planets, and much another.
Mars Pyramids