Over the evening Yakutia photographed “flying plate “

They filmed over the evening YakutiaPhoto from open sources

A mysterious video appeared on the popular YouTube video hosting site a record depicting a strange luminous ball in the evening sky. It’s known that the video was shot by a car driver driving along Namtsyrsky highway in Yakutia.

An unidentified flying object emitting a strange radiance immediately riveted the attention of a motorist. The man even stopped to better capture the alleged “flying saucer” on the camera your phone.

Mysterious aircraft, how to contemplate on the video below, crossed the forest and disappeared from sight, not making any sounds.

A photo from open sources

Some Internet users have suggested that this could be not a spaceship of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Nearby are just the airport “Yakutsk”, as well as enterprises “Air Navigation of North-Eastern Siberia” and “Airports North. “According to skeptics, any of these companies could launch a drone for seasonal aerial photography works. However, even despite such a plausible argument, many regulars on the World Wide Web consider it to be there was a “flying saucer” of aliens.

Recall that Russia is not even one of the ten countries where the largest number of UFO sightings is recorded. Top three in This ranking includes the United States, Canada and Australia. According to domestic ufologists, all blame the reluctance of Russians officially declare their observations of unidentified flying objects. Perhaps the “flying saucers” just do not produce in Russian a person as impressed as the same Americans. Well, aliens fly, and let yourself fly – well, this is what supernatural? ..


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