Photo from open sources news agency shared with Internet users with unique video recording made one of the passengers of a Chinese airline airliner. On the unique frames captured a huge unidentified object that accompanies the plane, either watching him, or simply being near, flies for some time in parallel.
Most likely, the latter, journalists say, since UFOs accompanies the airliner very briefly, and then dives into the clouds and disappears out of sight. Surprisingly, ufologists are at a loss: they cannot identify an extraterrestrial aircraft origin. Moreover, as experts say, the device is removed from pretty close range, but why pilots don’t notice him (the plane does not react to the presence next to it so dangerous object)?
Internet users have even suggested that this is an airship, because in its form it is very similar to it. Another thing is that airships do not fly so fast. It turns out that this material or fake, or a very successful shooting of an unknown UFO. True, the agency does not doubt the authenticity of the material, the rest users of the World Wide Web remain or believe admiring seen, or not believe, building skeptical guesses what is it is that? ..