Phil Schneider on Secret Underground Bases aliens

A photo from open sources

Phil Schneider was an engineer who worked for an American government and participated in the creation of underground bases. He was party riot people captured by representatives of alien civilizations with the connivance of the American secret services in the underground base in Dulce (New Mexico) in 1979, which was used for genetic experiments as well as for bloody rituals.

During the confrontation, several aliens died and many people. Phil was one of three survivors of the shootout with big gray ones. In his lectures, he often shows a scar, injured by a laser weapon.

Phil broke off relations with American intelligence agencies, after which spoke with revealing lectures on underground bases, about top secret alien technology about the threat to the world and everything to humanity that those who seek to establish a New World Order at the direction of aliens hostile to humans. … Phil had a friend Ron Rummel, a former Air Force intelligence officer and publisher Alien Digest. He died on August 6, 1993, he allegedly shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. Friends say, however, that no blood was found on the gun, on the barrel and handle of the weapon there were no fingerprints. Also a suicide note the deceased was written left-handed while Rammel was right-handed. Phil himself was found dead in his apartment next to the piano. Around him the wires were wound around the neck. According to some sources, his brutally tortured before being killed. This is his last, dying lecture.

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