Photographed over a Vietnamese skyscraper UFO

UFO photographed over a Vietnamese skyscraperPhoto from open sources

Group of young people from Vietnam strolling in the evening the main street of Ho Chi Minh City, captured a large flying picture a plate that arose over the financial tower of Biteksko. According to lucky they photographed an unidentified flying object above the skyscraper completely by accident and noticed an unusual object on photo only after some time.

The incident occurred a few days ago. Teens were coming back with extra classes in college and decided to walk along the street Ngo Duc Ke. Young people took some pictures, including captured the financial tower in the photo, then headed to the cafe. Only there, looking at the photographs, the Vietnamese were amazed found that in the sky near Biteksko hung flat flying object with luminous edges. The teens immediately rushed to share his find with users of the World Wide Web, where the picture instantly scattered to various sites of ufologists.

The author of the photo, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that on the clock at the time of shooting was about half past eight in the evening.

The experts analyzed the image and concluded that the captured UFO looks, of course, like a typical flying saucer from an old sci-fi movie, however, the photo was not exposed processing and hit the Internet directly from a smartphone. There are no skyscrapers above Biteksko in the area, so a mysterious object clearly appeared there on its own, and then just disappeared without a trace.

In addition, online ufologists recalled that an unidentified object about the same disk-like shape appeared in the summer last year in the United States near the city of Houston. It is noteworthy that at that time too “classic” form of UFO caused more and more suspicions among experts, however, the Houston an unidentified object, by the definition of ufologists, was really fixed, not tampered with using computer programs.


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