Physicist Pavel Poluyan: “UFOs are top-secret military technology “

When in the late 40s in the American sky began to often “flying saucers” appear, the first explanations were quite natural – optimists thought they were testing a new secret aircraft of the U.S. Air Force, and pessimists suspected probable adversary.

A photo from open sources But the alien version came into fashion – not UFOs were similar to the usual helicopter planes. Plot with science fiction writers and filmmakers picked up the aliens, and some liars have earned fame by successfully selling fictional stories to a gullible public.

Pavel Poluyan, physicist, leading engineer of one of the Siberian enterprises, member of the Expert Club of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

But almost 70 years have passed, and there is no expected appearance of aliens, although UFOs of various forms are still observed – here and there. Involuntarily the thought comes: maybe the “flying saucers” are not at all aliens from outer space, but what about earthly vehicles?

Well, really – why are we so cute traditional propellers-turbines-rockets, really the inquiring mind of man could not invent something special that allows disk drives to be silently soar, sparkling with mysterious lights? Wise men invented, craftsmen built, politicians classified – and use in military espionage …

Alien “green men” have long been with a light hand journalists settled on the pages of newspapers, and recently this term began to be used in relation to Russian fighters special forces.

Meanwhile, in the novel of the famous American writer Christopher Buckley “The Green Men” is what employees are called American intelligence agencies that enforce the legend of aliens from space – to disguise secret military technology. Planted persistently: they even kidnap ordinary Americans from time to time, conducting medical experiments with sounding for an impressive impression natural holes.

A photo from open sources

However, let’s ask ourselves: let the “flying saucers” not be made aliens, but quite earthly engineers, but why this promising technology for so long kept secret?

It’s easy to answer the question. Such a convenient tool for penetration across borders is an important advantage from which no one in their right mind would refuse. Hence the increased secrecy. But, as the Gospels say, all the secret sooner or later becomes explicit.

In the late 80s and early 90s, the USSR was invaded unidentified objects. What is there Rust on Red Square! – sky above our cities are flooded with flying saucers. Reached the curiosities: in December 1989, Krasnoyarsk police arrived on call and watched the dark colored lights trying to experiment with power lines leading to an aluminum plant (history described in the collection “UFO over Krasnoyarsk”). Many of my friends observed objects flying over the Yenisei and the regional center. To me then not lucky, but I saw a UFO a little earlier – April 26 1989 – in the Urals. “UFO over Perm,” as he was later called in newspapers, was widely known because there were witnesses a bunch of.

What is the essence of these secret “flying saucers” and mysterious electrokinetic engines? Their technology is not at all fantastic and is within the framework of well-known physics, within the ordinary aerodynamics. Moreover, the principle of the flight of “plates” was discovered almost simultaneously with others – helicopter and aircraft.

Often on TV show newsreels from the history of aviation, where among antediluvian gliders appears a strange device – something like a huge umbrella with a motor and a pilot. “Umbrella” twitches up and down, and when it moves down, the device even separates from land for a second.

A photo open source Patent for this new flying device – Orthopter – received in 1926, the inventor James Pitts (J. W. Pitts) According to the inventor, the umbrella was supposed to hit the air in during vertical movements down, and during vertical movements up the narrow blades of a rotating umbrella opened slightly to reduce drag.

Yes, the umbrella plane looks funny, but you don’t think that an American was spending money on building this car just for fun? The principle of flight, based on the creation of seals under vibrating plane, no worse than what is used in traditional airplanes. However, in those years there was no technology allowing you to use vibration to its full potential.

Look again at the umbrella plane and ask yourself: why is it can’t take off and what needs to be fixed so that it takes off? Any a person with advanced engineering thinking will immediately find the answers to given questions.

The device does not take off because when the umbrella moves up the drag force still remains significant – the opening windows of the blades do not greatly reduce it.

As a result, the resulting impulse does not allow to overcome the force attraction. And second: the range of movements of the umbrella is quite significant – He, with his movements, rather, simply mixes the air, rather than pushes away from him. How to be

There is an idea: to close an oscillating umbrella from above with a certain fixed dome – so that the umbrella moves in the inner space and transmitted momentum of movement only in the direction way down. And the second sentence: make air strikes more short, but more frequent, respectively – the amplitude of the oscillations minimize – within 1-2 centimeters.

Then our apparatus will turn into a plate-shaped capsule, inside which is the pilot and engine, and instead of the ridiculous an umbrella with slots near the plate a durable membrane will appear below which will vibrate very quickly, striking the air sharply and often.

The first “flying saucers” looked like giant telephone dynamics: one or more huge membranes under the action of pulsed electromagnets were hit in the air with a frequency of 1000 hertz, and the streamlined top of the plate provided a difference in the forces of the frontal resistance above and below.

A photo from open sources

In the USSR, as they say, interest in “plates” has already shown Stalin, who instructed to sort it out. And understood the problem, Of course, without involving alien hypotheses. In 1957 was published a novel by science-fiction writer Nemtsov “The Last Station”, the theme of the book is a test of a plate-shaped airship with rocket engines. So already in the 50s, it was clear to many that mythology does not hide aliens, but non-trivial technological secrets.

One way or another, but at the turn of the 60-70s in the USSR appeared UFO. I remember a message in the program “Time” that the Soviet Academician Shklovsky proved that we are alone in the universe. It was equivalent to the official statement of the Central Committee of the CPSU, they say, there are no aliens and we don’t believe in your “misinformation”. The competent authorities are engaged in ufologists and began to censor newspaper publications in order to repay pointless psychosis.

But, unfortunately, the USSR was lagging behind: competitors then appeared already the third generation of plates – dark objects that glow only small zones are vortex activators. The light below is for flying side – when you need to move to the side (“windows” light up). Vortex activation zones arise in the right place of the housing, consisting of from discharger cells.

The body is monolithic and does not vibrate, but the adjacent layer of air artificially ionized (in some models – weak radioactivity of the surface material), and current pulses, slipping with megahertz frequency in the activation zone, force bounce it sharply, giving rise to a column of vortices.

The described scheme is completely understandable. Just a habit of traditional aircraft technology prevents the realization of brilliant simplicity this electrokinetic engine.

By the way, I’ll also reveal the secret of the “mysterious material ray”, which UFOs emit (witnesses often report it). Toroidal donut vortices form something like a plate children’s pyramids, where thin pancakes lie on each other vortex rings.

A photo from open sources

In these vortices temperature drops, moisture from the air it is frozen out in the form of small crystals (Rank effect – in technology used to cool parts). So under the plate in a whirlwind microsnowflakes sparkle is not such a bright stream from the luminous zone activation. If the plate moves, the layers in the pyramid move, and it seems that some unthinkable a beam of light curved. And when the plate soars close to surfaces, objects trapped in the vortex zone come off land.

The “beam” turns out to be curved when the activation zone shifts with respect to vortices already emitted earlier (the “ray” is curved, consisting of tracer bullets if the machine gun is turned). It is clear that such a shift can be not only horizontal flight of the device, but also its rotation around the axis, its swaying and etc.

Moreover, horizontal rays are not only for pushing horizontally, but also for balancing (so that the device does not slip from the vortex column supporting it). In some cases, a “plate” begins to look like a kind of jellyfish gorgon, from which in all the sides extend a luminous curved tentacle.

I often hear objections, they say, how so – no trace of secret technology anywhere else appeared? How can it be all a secret for so many years? Should there be any information leaks …

The questioners do not seem to notice that I am in my revelatory I’m using the very same “information leakage” materials. What concerns the widespread use of technology, then do not forget – speech talking about military secrets.

If we move away from ufological mythology, it will become clear: secrets no, no. Many people know about the UFO secret – both here and the border. I was not even surprised when in the movie “The Matrix” a rookie Neo has been claimed that Morphius’ ship flies on an “airborne pillow “- fantastic antigravitators disappeared somewhere.

Bring fantastic technology as evidence ship from the movie “The Matrix” seems to be not solid, but, I believe, This coincidence is not accidental: there are influential forces in the USA, which declassification of technology can bring benefits. They can make some effort to accelerate exposure by showing technology in art form.

A photo from open sources

And the fact that in the United States many people know the true secret of flying cymbals, we already know from the movie Roswell: The Final Analysis. The announcer at the end of the film says: “Sooner or later the government America will have to tell the whole truth about which devices plowed the sky over the saccoro desert in new mexico starting in the 40s years. But no matter what hides the government from the public, it’s has nothing to do with alien life. ”

I think the American “green men” have long been time to tell truth to people – to show their “plates” in all their natural beauty. This is especially important now – in order to improve the international situation and make a real “reboot”. But if the US do not dare to tell the truth, we have to do it.

Pavel Poluyan, physicist, leading engineer of one of the Siberian enterprises, member of the Expert Club of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Time Aircraft USSR USA

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