Point Pleasant Ufologist Using Two Cameras constantly removes UFOs

Point Pleasant Ufologist with two cameras constantly removes UFOsA photo from open sources

Ufologist from the American city of Point Pleasant (Western Virginia) installed two video cameras that turn on through specially defined algorithm, so that an independent hunter behind “flying saucers” easily “catches” any unknown objects in the sky.

According to the American, only in the past month did there are more than a hundred such records, that is, cameras almost every day they discover something, and often several UFOs per day. More often in total they “catch” balls flying one after another, which they write out unimaginable pretzels in the sky, can instantly rotate 90 degrees, fade, reappear and more.

As a rule, the ufologist continues to explain, spherical UFOs prefer sunset twilight or dawn for their flights, why so – it is not clear, but during the day they never appear.

However, the most interesting for this month was a spherical object, which has been spinning over the past few days (see video below) near the visual border of the sun – also a mystery! And next with this “sun-loving sphere” other bright ones fly in the sky unidentified objects that are spinning at great speed already around the first UFO.

Having shared his notes with experienced ufologists, the American most confirmed the theory that in the airspace of the Earth countless UFOs flying that just can’t fixed by the human eye. Interested in experts and the video presented here, since no one has yet filmed. Moreover, many ufologists and just Internet users, like the camera owner himself, it’s not clear why a spherical object whirls around the border of the sun, since none of the existing UFO theories cannot explain this mysterious behavior aliens.

The sun

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