Polish pilots about meetings with UFOs

Obviously, the pilots are the most objective and competent witnesses to any events taking place in the sky. Back in the time of the Second World War II they often saw strange objects flying along difficult trajectories. The war is over, and mysterious objects, subsequently called UFOs, continued to fall into the field view of aviators. It happened in Poland.

Polish pilots about meetings with UFOsA photo from open sources

What did the radar find?

In 1955, units of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Polish Army participated in exercises of the armies of the countries of the Warsaw Pact Organization. Oh strange incident during these exercises retired Colonel Kazimierz Lizakovsky informed another colonel, former commander of the First fighter regiment “Warsaw” Ryszard Grundman, who spoke about this incident in his book “Polish Pilots and UFOs” written together with journalist and ufologist Bronislaw Rzhepetskiy and released in Krakow in 1999.

Here is what Lizakovsky said:

“One evening, after an air raid of a conditional enemy, there was a respite. I then commanded the lieutenant a radar station in the Warsaw area. After midnight we despite the respite, they were on combat duty in full force. The operator peered at the radar screen so as not to miss a signal about the appearance of an aerial target. I was nearby and also from time to time glanced at the screen. Pulses on the screen occasionally appeared – this civilian planes flew in their air corridors.

At 00:40 a telephone rang. Air Defense Officer on duty passed an order to strengthen surveillance of the north-western sector viewing areas. The operator and I began to peer at the screen, which remained empty. I ordered to switch to the 400 range kilometers. Regular turns of the antenna and … There is! On the screen two pulses flashed, indicating the appearance of two aerial targets in the Gulf of Gdansk. Objects fly course 90 °. And here is the first surprise: they move with incredible speed: 2300 kilometers per hour!

At first I thought it was a mistake. In those days, not one the country of the world there were no aircraft that could fly with at such speeds. Determined the height of the targets: 20,000 meters. it impossible!

But I was sure that the station was working and reported accurate data. From each other, the objects were at a distance of 35-40 kilometers and continued to fly at 90 °, and when they were already over the territory Lithuania, made a turn and lay on a course of 180 °. And it was not a turn on a bend, objects seemed to unfold in place, a new trajectory amounted to the former right angle. And it is at a speed of 2300 kilometers at one o’clock! With such speed and at the same height, UFOs flew south, while did not disappear from the locator screen somewhere in the Lviv region.

When I talked about what happened to an engineer from the radio engineering Air Force Command, he confirmed that in 1955 aircraft with such characteristics as demonstrated objects on the locator screen, did not exist. So what did we observe on the locator screen? .. ”

Ryszard Grundman. Frame from video interview

A photo from open sources

Meetings in the night sky

In January 1959, in three issues of the newspaper “Evening Seaside” The essay by journalist Andrzej Trepka “Flying Saucers Over Poland? “. Records of conversations with flight officers served as material part housed near Poznan. One of the interlocutors The journalist was a 1st-class pilot, Captain Soberei. Here it is story.

“On the evening of September 29, 1958, we are free from duty the pilots saw from the earth a luminous target moving along firmament from south to north. She flew at a low altitude with subsonic speed. It turned out that at this time in this no flights were made in the air zone, and in addition, the light emitted by the target was not like the side lights of an airplane. Pilots in the air in neighboring areas were ordered intercept the target. But nobody succeeded in catching this UFO: the mysterious the object left the pursuers in a northerly direction.

The pilots participating in the pursuit described the shape and size of the UFO differently. But this is understandable, since pilots from different distances and at different angles. We, observing a UFO from the earth, decided that it was a ball with a diameter of ten meters.

A day later, performing a night training flight, I again saw in the sky an object glowing with a bright orange-red light. I became pursue a UFO, passed the sound barrier and chased about two minutes behind him, unable to get close to him, but not keeping up. A then the target suddenly went out.

The next night, while in the air, I saw three more times glowing UFO.

Later, discussing these events with colleagues, we all agreed on opinion that they saw in the sky something unknown and mysterious. I myself am not I can offer what I saw no reasonable explanation. Being a pilot with great experience, I argue that then I first happened to observe unknown and very strange objects in the sky. ”

A photo from open sources

Aerial “monster” over coastal waters

Gathering materials for a future book, Ryszard Grundman in 1985 received from colonel Jerzy Topolinsky, deputy commander one of the aviation units, a copy of the report of the captain Zbignev Slap. Here is an abridged text of this report.

“… 07/06/1983, performing combat duty on an airplane TS-11, I received an order to fly out to intercept an air target. Mine the observer was Lieutenant Marek Yatsevich. We flew at an altitude of 100 meters in the direction of the sea and should, according to the flight task, move away from the coastline at a distance of 50 kilometers.

When I once again got in touch with the command post, then received instructions to lie down on a new course. According to the changed flight mission, we continued to fly over the sea with climb, until they reached the mark of 4000 meters. We maneuvered on this altitude when the observer reported that he sees the target against the background of the water surface. I didn’t see the goal at that moment, so I passed it to him control of the machine and ordered to bring it to the target. Soon we dropped to 3000 meters, and from the side of our port side I saw a strange-looking object flying along the coastline.

I took control and reported to the command post that a target has been discovered and that I am going to draw closer to it in order to identify it. Approaching the object at a distance of about 300 meters, I transmitted on the radio a description of his appearance. It was rounded with both ends of a cylinder about six meters long and two meters in diameter. On its surface there was no plumage, identification marks also absent. There were no signs of engines or exhaust devices, the loop did not reach for the object combustion products. Its surface was black in the rays the sun shone like blued weapon steel.

When the object was two hundred meters away, he suddenly turned 180 “and flew closer to us, remaining at the same height from our starboard side. To avoid the possible collision, I transferred the plane to a steep decline. At the same time i requested permission to use military weapons. So as not to move away from the target, I had to make a sharp turn. On the the moment from the big overload darkened in my eyes, and in this moment the object abruptly left, which forced me perform a new turn.

The object was again in our field of view, but increased speed and began to retire. Our speed was 500 kilometers per hour, but the goal leaving us at a speed of about 800 kilometers per hour.

Having come off a considerable distance, the object began to execute maneuvers, so that, as I understand it, get us in the tail. With my maneuvers I I tried to prevent this. During our mutual maneuvering the object suddenly again made a sharp turn and quickly went on rapprochement with us. I again had to lay steep bend with a decline, after which our eye contact with target was lost. Only at this moment I received permission command to use weapons. But it came too late the target has disappeared. We have completed several more maneuvers in this area, trying to find the target again, but to no avail. The fuel was on end, so we had to go back to base. ”

Instead of an epilogue

Perhaps fortunately, permission to use weapons is captain The sling-lek received too late, and it was not floated. there is information that when in the Baltic in such a case pilots (though not Polish, but Soviet) weapons were used, it turned around disaster.

The Polish magazine Esotera for March 1984 posted a message about the tragedy that broke out on August 26, 1983 in the sky over a secret Soviet naval base near the Lithuanian city of Ventspils. Six MiG type fighters were raised to intercept a spherical UFO flying along the coast at low speed at an altitude of 3000 meters.

When it became clear that to intercept the object and force it make a landing will not succeed, the command gave the order: “Purpose destroy! “. Interceptors were armed with missiles with thermal homing heads. At the time of the launch of the rockets, they exploded under wings of airplanes, and instead of a target left unscathed, five out of six MiGs were destroyed.

Vadim Ilyin

War Time Poland Missiles Aircraft

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