Dads don’t resign. They are being fired. Why Pope Benedict XVI really resigned?
A photo open source Dr. Robert Moynihan, Editor-in-Chief domestic Vatican magazine, not a proponent of theory conspiracy. He is a quasi-official, Vatican-based journalist and commentator. Therefore, when Moynihan is skeptical about the story of “resigned due to old age” follows prick up your ears. Moynihan points out in his latest journalistic the encyclical that the Pope did not look like the person who needs to leave in health resignation: “I saw dad twice on this the week he was at the concert (Monday night, where I sat 20 meters from him) and at his general audience on Wednesday. For 85 – a summer man, he looked like he really seems tired. “Why, tell me in mercy, he” seems tired “? What, in fact, puts pressure on his infallible mind? Moynihan suggests: On Saturday, I gathered (sic!) for a memorial service cardinal in St. Peter’s Basilica, who died last week (Cardinal Giovanni Celi). Pope Benedict was supposed to be present, but at the very last minute, he canceled his presence. For me this was an indication that already on Saturday night, he was unusually tired (in the morning – “monring” – he spent several hours (sic!) with the Knights of Malta – Order of the Knights of Malta). Usually, he should attend the cardinal’s funeral. ” The fact that Moynihan made a typo “monring” (“my ring”) induces for thought. Pope’s office symbolizes the Fisherman’s Ring, which solemnly transmitted when the papacy passes from hand to hand. Wikipedia, Zionist knowledge of everything, explains: For again elected dad made a new gold ring on which his name is applied. During the ceremony of the papal coronation or papal inauguration, dean of the College of Cardinals puts on a ring on ring finger of the right hand of the new Pope. After dad’s death Camerlengo destroys his ring in the presence of other cardinals, to exclude the possibility of falsification of documents in the period election of a new pope. Moynihan gives an indication of why dad was unusually tired (he spent several hours, monring (sic!) with Knights of the Order of Malta). So that put a lot of pressure to Pope Benedict: he spent several hours in the morning with the Maltese knights. The meeting tormented him. So he filed in resignation. For some reason, I don’t think it was just fatigue. what the Maltese Knights told the Pope what caused His Holiness to make an “unprecedented” decision to resign? Was it the simple “are you fired”? The Order of Malta is one of the most terrible (and whispering) secret societies in the world. Original gang fanatical crusaders dedicated themselves to committing genocide on Holy Land, the knights, apparently, have not changed much since then – by at least according to Seymour Hersh. He says that the Maltese knights are a key part of the “eight or nine neocons, radicals, if you like, who overthrew US government. “(Hersh is too polite to say that they made it through the internal work of “9/11”. ) Hersh also claims to be General Stanley McChrystal, Vice Admiral William Mack Raven (McRaven) and others were members of the Order of Malta and Opus Dei, “two little-known Catholic orders.” They understand that they do – and this is not an atypical relationship among several military “This is literally a crusade,” Hersh reports and continues. “They consider themselves protectors of Christians. They protect them from Muslims [as in] the 13th century. And these are their functions. “He added that members of these societies have developed a secret set of insignia, which represent “the very notion that it is a cultural war” between religions. Hersh’s reading between the lines suggests that Maltese Knights – a radical secret society permeated Masonic agents — they “helped” us on 9/11. Did they force Pope Benedict to resign … or at least forced worry him so much (that plans for future ?!), maybe Benedict felt that he was forced to leave Vatican until responsibility for everything overtakes him? Are going the Maltese Knights and their Israeli friends intensify the clash civilizations? They’re going to drop an atomic bomb on American cities and blame Iran? They plan some other vile deeds that Benedict could not “digest”? Or maybe, Pope’s resignation was caused by some other intrigues involving Knights of Malta At the moment, we just don’t know. Choosing the next Dad can reveal a hidden agenda. Here hot rumors from Italy brought by journalist Roberto Quadlia (Quaglia): Pope Benedict was fired to pave the way for the new Pope, who sanctioned homosexual marriage, not celibate priests, and other projects having “lustful” direction and leading to the de-sacralization of the Church. According to this analysis, Judeo-Masonic secret societies carry responsibility for Vatican II where pressure was put on Benedict to allow gay marriage and sex for ‘priests – but Benedict’s eternal answer is said to be “no, not in my time! “led to the” end of the Benedict era. “My Muslim friends here in Tehran say that there is another story: they suspect that papa resigned because The church is about to be shattered when the gospel of Barnabas, 2nd century, will be made public. My most knowledgeable an informant on this subject, Professor Ben Isa, claims that knows from a reliable source, the Turkish parliamentarian, that a copy The Gospel of Barnabas is currently under armed security in a special room in the Turkish capital, in Ankara, with using carbon analysis, it was certified, as, perhaps, oldest surviving gospel. Copy of the Gospel of Barnabas to the Turkish capital, adds Dr. Ben Isa, seems to be the same – word for word – with another copy that Western scholars have tried Imagine a Muslim fake. Now it turns out “Muslim fake” precedes the canonical gospel! The Gospel of Barnabas, as is already known, from later copies, shows that early Christianity was much closer to to today’s Islam than to today’s Christianity. Like the Quran, it is one. As in the study of the Koran, it can be assumed that Jesus was not really crucified. And in anticipation of the Qur’an, he predicts the arrival of the prophet Muhammad. Import “new Barnabas” just stunning. In a nutshell: Goodbye Christianity, such as we know him. Hello islam. Posted by Kevin Barrett Barrett)
Vatican City Time