Pope Francis believes he found a mistake in prayer “Our Father”

Pope Francis believes he found a mistake in prayerA photo from open sources

The pope discovered a mistake in the most famous Christian prayer “Our Father”, and therefore proposed to slightly change its text, tweaking one line.

According to the Gospel of Luke, this prayer was given by Jesus himself. Christ: he read it to his disciples when they asked him teach them how to pray. However, in the Aramaic language that he spoke Savior, the text “Our Father” has not been preserved. For centuries this basic prayer of Christians has been translated into many languages ​​of the world with Ancient Greek koyne.

According to Francis, the line “not lead us into temptation, “which sounds like the Most High Himself tempts people. It is for this reason that the French Catholic it is customary for the church to read this line “Do not let us fall into temptation.” And this most accurately reflects the essence of this prayer. And therefore such its interpretation must be accepted by the whole Catholic Church, considers the pontiff.

To what extent is this essential for Christianity, none of Catholic theologians have not yet expressed their opinion. And here is what said on this occasion the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church Vakhtang Kipshid – Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Church relationship with society:

Pope’s proposal for some inaccuracies in the prayer “Our Father” is not relevant for the Slavs, in Church Slavonic, as in the Russian translation, developed traditions, the exclusionary risks the pontiff was worried about.

A photo from open sources

Conspirologists who believe that the prayer “Our Father” in general came to us from Ancient Egypt and was given by Pharaoh Akhenaten, and not Jesus Christ (Egyptologists call it “The Prayer of the Blind” – see about this video below), are sure that any changes in its modern interpretations do not change anything in principle. Can just compare different texts in terms of linguistics – and not furthermore, although any translation, like the one below Ancient Egyptian language “Prayers of the blind” (that is, the fundamental principles “Our Father”), very free:

Our Father, unknown but real, Hallowed be thy name to us, May Your law come, giving light to the World of stars, and into our being. IN this day You feed us bread And forgive us mortal debts, Like we forgive before heaven. From the temptation, evil amulets.

Therefore, the main thing in prayer is not words, but a rush of soul, purity hearts, finally, established traditions. If you turn to history, then the prayer “Our Father” saved and protected the true believers, not looking at any errors and discrepancies in her translations. For instance, documented is the case when a person was surrounded at night in a forest wolves, and his death seemed inevitable. However he sat in the snow and began to read “Our Father.” And the wolves retreated, and then completely left. A because whether in this case it is of fundamental importance how it reads a line about the temptation of man? ..

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