A photo from open sources the Black Sea can be called “powder barrel “on which mankind sits. The fact is that water is in this the sea is not deeper than two hundred (from the strength of two hundred and fifty) meters, and further, already to a depth of two and a half kilometers, extends – hydrogen sulfide.
If, God forbid, for some reason this colossal supply fuel explodes, it doesn’t seem enough to our Earth – it’s just cease to exist, or rather, all perish on it biological life. And such a reason was very possible in times of the USSR when there was an underground complex in Balaklava nuclear submarines. According to experts, finding submarines (especially nuclear) in the Black Sea in general unsafe since diving them to a great depth bordering with the hydrogen sulfide of this sea, can easily lead to disaster universal scale.
On the other hand, according to ufologists, the dead zone The Black Sea is a great place to base on our planet of an alien civilization. It is no coincidence that in the Crimea region often see UFOs, and it is here that more often than anywhere else occur various paranomal cases.
About this and much more, regarding the presence of aliens civilizations on Earth, see the film – “Hidden under the water.”