Priest surgeon

Surgeon-priestPhoto from open sources

A strange rumor walks around Russia: as if in Soviet times surgeon priest. He puts the patient on the operating table, worships a prayer over him, and with iodine he will put an end to the place where need to be cut, and after that it is taken by a scalpel. And operations it turned out to be excellent: the blind were sighted, doomed rose to their feet. Either science helped, or God … Since childhood Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky was an excellent draftsman and after graduating from high school, and then the Kiev art school, preparing for admission to the Petersburg Academy of Arts. But in during the entrance exams he was seized by doubt: is he entitled to do what he loves so much when there are so many afflicted around, requiring help? Once, while reading the Gospel, he was struck the words “the harvest is many, but the laborers are few.” Later, after many years, the archbishop will write that this gospel text was the first call of the Lord to serve Him. Enrolling in medical Faculty of Kiev University, he is studying with interest natural sciences and soon becomes the best student of the faculty. Young doctor Voyno-Yasenetsky at the end of university receives cum laude … Course mates asked him what he intended engage in the future, and were very surprised when they learned that Voyno-Yasenetsky is preparing to become a zemstvo doctor instead of to do science. “I studied medicine for the sole purpose of being all my life a village, peasant doctor, helping poor people, “- recalls the archbishop. All my life to be a village doctor to the saint I didn’t have to, but all my life to serve people – yes. In the early 20s Professor Voino-Yasenetsky becomes a priest. He is still operates, gives lectures to students, but only in a cassock and with a cross on breasts. In the operating room of professor Voyno-Yasenetsky, an icon hangs To the Mother of God, before which he prays for a successful outcome operations. In 1923, a 46-year-old priest was tonsured a monk and consecrated to bishops with the name of Luke. But after the first “black raven” drives up to his house a bishop’s service. So begins the period of his 11-year wanderings in prisons and exiles. IN links he was still ready to help all those in need in medical care and pastoral blessing. He healed and sometimes operated with improvised means: using pen knife, pliers, sewing up a wound with female hair … When the war began, addressed to the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council The USSR M. I. Kalinin left a telegram: “I, Bishop Luke, professor Voyno-Yasenetsky, serving a link to an article in the village Big Murta of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Being a purulent specialist surgery, I can help soldiers in the front or rear, where I will be trusted. I ask to interrupt my link and forward to the hospital. At the end of the war he was ready to return to exile. Bishop Luke. “The request was granted. During the war, St. Luke headed the surgical department at the hospital. He took to himself the most seriously ill and wounded and brilliantly conducted operations. He also writes scientific papers. His “Essays of Purulent Surgery” withstand three editions and are awarded the Stalin Prize of the First degree. After the war, the archbishop was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in World War II. “But this did not prevent the authorities from continuing persecuting the saint – he was forced to return to exile. After the war the saint administers a hospital in the Simbirsk province, operates in the afternoon and at night – on the eyes, on the liver, stomach, makes craniotomy, gynecological operations. Fame for a wonderful surgeon quickly spread out. At the threshold of the hospital visitors lined up from other provinces. Once he returned sight to a young blindborn the beggar. He gathered blind people from all around, and they are a long string came to the hospital, holding each other by the sticks. In May 1946 Vladyka Luka was appointed Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean. During the years of the administration of the Crimean diocese His Eminence Luke delivered most of his sermons. He began to preach in Tashkent, but because of his arrest and Links for many years was forced to remain silent. However, since the spring of 1943, when the temple opened in Krasnoyarsk, and until the end of his life the archbishop Luke preached tirelessly: he wrote sermons, delivered them, rules, sent out leaflets with the text to the cities of the country. “I consider my the main duty of the bishop to preach everywhere Christ, “he said. For many years, prisons and exiles, trials throughout his difficult life and the consequences of exceptionally hard work affected the health of Archbishop Luke. He loses sight, heart refuses everything … For 38 years of the priesthood, Lord Luke uttered one thousand two hundred and fifty sermons, of which at least seven hundred fifty were recorded and made up twelve thick volumes typewriting (4500 pages). Council of the Moscow Theological Academy called this sermon an exceptional occurrence in modern church theological life and chose the author honorary member of the academy. Believers who attended the services remembered how Lord Luke served for life. It was present appearance before the Lord. He uttered every word clear to sunk deep into. The Great read especially inspired the penitential canon of Andrew of Crete. While he was sighted, he tried to serve the Liturgy every day, even if only two or three old women came to the temple. He continued to serve when he was completely blind. Striking Vladyka’s feat: after all, not only blindness aggravated him, but also diabetes, from which he had a terrible weakness, so even all the clothes The lord was wet, while his legs still suffered because of the strongest thrombophlebitis and gout. Before the service he had to bandage the legs. But he never cut back on service at home always prayed for a very long time. On All Saints Day, in the Russian land beaming, June 11, 1961, Archbishop Luke died. IN for three days the flow of people to the tomb of the Lord and the doctor did not dry up, and on the day of the funeral, the procession stretched for three kilometers. Then began to receive reports that many patients who came to the grave St. Luke, through prayers received healing. Definition The Council of Bishops of 2000, St. Luke saints. His relics are set for worship in Holy Trinity the cathedral of Simferopol. From the conversation of Archbishop Luke with the head of the Tashkent Cheka Peters: – How is it you, War-Yasenetsky, Pray at night, and cut people during the day? – I cut people in their name salvation, ”answered the priest,“ and in the name of what do you cut them? ” – but How can you believe in God? Have you seen him? – No, I haven’t. But I operated a lot on the brain and, opening the skull box, never seen mind there. And I also did not find conscience there. Does it mean is it that they are not?

War Time Life

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