A photo from open sources
According to some scholars studying the most ancient civilizations on Earth in ancient Egypt at one time existed secret society of priests – a descendant of Atlantis – “Great White brotherhood. “It, the researchers say, was designed to preserve on planet of knowledge once transmitted to us by other civilizations.
Based on recent discoveries, planets like Earth, even billions in our Galaxy alone, and many of them can in two to three times be older than the solar system. Therefore the theory of the existence of more advanced civilizations in the universe becomes scientifically sound.
Not to mention the numerous traces of aliens left them on our planet in the form of, say, the same mysterious Sphinx, various pyramids and many other inexplicable and incomprehensible to us buildings. It seems that we, the earthlings, were constantly led by someone (if just did not create us artificially) and still leads.
Here about these secrets for seven seals and tells the scientific series “The Puppeteers Conspiracy.”
A life