Radio signals came from far space sent by a different mind

From distant space came radio signals sent by a different mindA photo from open sources

American specialists of the Hawaiian Institute and German University of Neukirchen scientists say they were obtained from outer space quite powerful radio signals, clearly artificial origin.

Similar signals, according to this joint team space explorers could only be sent reasonable creatures. Moreover, to send a similar message it took a huge energy, approximately equal to the amount heat generated by our sun per day. Moreover the signals were sent in the form of ripples.

Scientists made a preliminary analysis of the received message and came to the conclusion that it was sent no further than from the galaxy Milky Way as a longer journey for such a signal is impossible: it would be destroyed by space dust.

Currently a joint team of American and German experts trying to decipher received from space message, after which new information will be announced for earthlings.

Many ufologist researchers have suggested that if given signals are actually sent by humanoids, then their civilization very similar to ours – the same technocratic and not far in its development. Only at a similar level of development can one seek brothers in mind with the help of radio signals sent into space. More advanced civilizations, for example, have long been present on Earth and do not enter into “friendly contacts” with us because of our “dense”, apparently, easily move in space and time, bypassing the physical laws known to us.

And if the German-American scientists who got this strange signal from space, even decrypt it and read “friendly greeting “brothers in mind that it will give us earthlings, are ufologists surprised? Proof that we are not alone in the universe? But this has long been clear to every sane person. Or we will spend the same huge amount of energy to send an answer? The question is, to whom and why? ..

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