Reasonable aliens could long ago self-destruct

Reasonable aliens could self-destruct long agoPhoto from open sources

The question is, are we the only living things in Universe, still remains one of the main philosophical puzzles of our time. The idea that our civilization is the only one in space, almost unimaginable, and, nevertheless, with us there is still no absolute evidence that aliens are real. At least such evidence that I would believe every person on our planet.

The Fermi paradox says that man still has not found traces the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations, although over many billions of years intelligent aliens should have settled throughout the universe relatively evenly. It turns out that either no aliens exists, or the nearest ones are on such a significant distance from us that we are unlikely to ever meet. Due with the fact that the universe is considered infinite, the second option, according many scholars seem more like the truth.

A photo from open sources

English physicist Brian Edward Cox, an employee University of Manchester and Royal Society of London, put forward another interesting hypothesis. British explorer particle reports that any developed civilization is doomed in the end ultimately collapse, and extraterrestrial civilizations are no exception. Thus, all reasonable aliens finding comparatively close to us, could self-destruct faster than they found ways take a trip to our blue ball.

Cox suggests alien civilizations may disappear under the weight of its technical excellence. Also not it is possible that some intelligent civilizations come to a meaningful decision to end its existence. Wherein mass suicide is completely optional for this: enough completely stop reproduction on the planet, and very soon civilization will sink into oblivion.


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