Riddles of the Nikandrovsky monastery

Mysteries of the Nikandrovsky MonasteryPhotos from open sources of

The picture below was taken a few years ago near Nikandrova Holy Annunciation Desert in the Pskov region, however, at that time he did not make any sensation for some reason and was undeservedly deprived of the attention of even domestic researchers paranormal phenomena.

Meanwhile, the cryptic photo definitely shows something inexplicable in terms of logic, namely the strange black anomaly on the trail. Someone even says that she is remotely resembles a human figure in a cassock.

Destroyed in due time (now partially restored) Nikandrovsky Monastery is considered an abnormal place where notice obscure silhouettes of ancient monks. Many argue that we are talking about timing, that is, illusory pictures from the distant of the past. Note that this phenomenon has not yet been studied and accepted. orthodox science for the reality given to us from above, despite the fact that modern scientists have a different view of such a concept, as “time”, increasingly talking about its nonlinearity and even possible movements in it – in one direction or the other.

As for the monastery, back in 1923 there lived more than 30 monks and about the same number of novices, however, with the coming to the Bolshevik authorities closed the monastery, and all its buildings were blown up. About any human casualties during this act barbarism is not known, but the fact remains: the locals constantly reporting sightings here of phantoms in old-fashioned monastic robes. They say that the souls of strongly believing people are also may linger in such places, that’s why on the ruins Christian cloisters (abandoned and now restored monasteries – watch the video) ghosts often appear in monastic robes. It is possible that a mysterious photo shows us something similar …


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