Photo from open sources
As you know, near the American city of Roswell in July 1947 crashed “flying saucer” aliens. Everyone knows that. on Earth, a little bit interested in ufology, because it the event in the first days after that grand tragedy was widely covered United States Media.
And then … breathtaking information about a crashed UFO stopped, and the public was presented with a scientific refutation “lime sensation”, according to which the desert just fell a silver weather balloon – and no flying saucer.
However, this did not convince conspiracy theorists who felt that the military took the injured UFO to a secret base, the so-called “Zone 51”, and information about this incident interplanetary scale just distorted.
Since then a lot of water has flowed. In terms of lifting the veil of that secrets worthy of attention is the investigation of the nineties of the past century, which confirmed that a trick with a weather balloon took place. However, the United States Air Force leadership and then, recognizing this a trick, it didn’t go further in declassifying the Roswell incident, “reassuring” the public with the assertion that it simply exists secret project to develop ultra-modern aircraft and what that the accident was somehow connected with this program, but not with UFO.
As US Congressman Steve Schiff wrote at the time, on the initiative whom the investigation began, we achieved at least recognition military, that it was not a probe, however, a lot remains in this matter unclear as part of the documents related to the 1947 incident years, just disappeared, most likely destroyed …
But ufologist David Radiak believes that there is an undeniable evidence that in the desert near the city of Roswell in 1947 a flying saucer crashed, and that’s proof, he says, lies on the surface and is accessible to everyone. The fact is that in the press then a photograph was printed (see photo below), on which General Roger Raimi immediately after the UFO crash being on US Air Force Fort Worth Airbase Examines Scraps of That Fake weather balloon “, but in his hand is a very interesting note.
A photo from open sources
Using modern computer technology David Radiak read about 80 percent of the text of that secret note, and on Based on this, it claims to have crashed. ship in the form of a disk and the strange victims of that disaster. The famous ufologist even made a proposal to everyone who is ready try to fully decrypt this mysterious note in your hands General, do it for a fee of ten thousand dollars …