Russian discovered in the snow of Antarctica alien spaceship

Russian discovered alien starship in the snow of AntarcticaA photo from open sources

Ordinary Russian amateur radio considered satellite photographs of Antarctica and unexpectedly made a startling opening. A resident of Nizhny Tagil discovered in the ice of the island of Eklund A colossal object similar to an alien spaceship.

Find author Valentin Degtyarev immediately provided others Internet users its geographical coordinates: -73 ° 13’55.09, -71 ° 57’12.98

According to the virtual archaeologist, at first glance you can find that it’s just an impressive sized rock, however, with careful examination makes it clear that we are talking about crashed space ship that could not be built earthlings. Degtyarev suggests that the starship of representatives some extraterrestrial civilization once crashed here and stayed in the Antarctic forever, gradually covered with ice.

The ham radio is convinced that it is necessary as soon as possible organize a rescue expedition to this place to get amazing alien technology. It is even possible that the “green men” are still inside their starship, awaiting salvation. However, the last statement by many ufologists evokes skeptical smiles. If there is something or someone in the starship stayed, then, most likely, people simply will not be allowed into the ship. IN in this case, it’s enough to recall the “flying saucer”, that such the dead weight lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, when approaching which turns off all modern equipment, and people start experience inexplicable anxiety and even fear …


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