A photo from open sources
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev invited to the event planetary scale. The fact is that the second of April in Moscow presentation of the international construction project will be held Alien Embassy, whose purpose is the adoption on Earth in the near future, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. AND the organizers of this celebration want to see on it by all means the first persons of our state.
The project itself, the presentation of which is scheduled for early April, consists of two sections, firstly, from the allocation of land for building knowledge and other facilities needed by the embassy, and secondly, from the approval of extraterritorial status, which requires any embassy on Earth. ET-Embassy Day International Promotion Alien Embassy), of which the foregoing became a part the initiative will be widely presented at a press conference, scheduled for April 1st. It will open at eleven o’clock in the Moscow hotel “Holiday Inn Lesnaya”. She will arrive international delegation led by Jean Marie Briot, who and will present the dossier on the construction of the Alien Embassy.
And the next day in the Moscow hotel “Golden Ring” the presentation itself will take place, to which distinguished guests are invited, the media and, in principle, everyone who the fate of our planet is not indifferent.
A photo from open sources
Why is the Alien Embassy
Representative of Russia from the International Raelinsky Movement Dmitry Porublev told reporters in an interview anticipating an upcoming event that today is the time to prepare for meeting those who created us. To the meeting of the ancient Gods, whom worshiped by our ancestors, and which in fact were only representatives of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization – Elohim (name from the original biblical texts). They are created the present intelligent life on Earth using gene engineering, which is why Orthodox scholars still cannot understand where did the Cro-Magnon come from.
Representatives of the Elohim and the earthly prophet of their teachings Rael met in 1973, it was then that aliens were asked to build Alien Embassy, which will become a kind of headquarters for preparing humanity for contact with other worlds of the universe. how Elohim representatives said their return to Earth could become the only way to save our civilization from death in World War III or environmental disaster planetary scale.
Dmitry Parublev also noted that taking part in the upcoming conference of the top leadership of Russia should open favorable opportunities for further economic and spiritual development of our country, since protection from Elohim civilization will be provided primarily to those states who understand the significance of the upcoming contact.
For reference: Raelinsky Movement – International Volunteer organization (a kind of atheistic religion), which covers today about one hundred thousand people in more than one hundred states of the world, and especially European. Her representatives spread the Message to the earthlings from the Elohim civilization in the world, transmitted by aliens to our earthly prophet Rael. At this organization moment, in addition to the construction of the Alien Embassy, is also engaged in the dissemination of the highest values of the universe and calls for non-violence in all human activities community.
Vladimir Putin Universe Russia