Scary Rhombic UFO

Scary rhombic UFOPhotos from open sources

Returning from Florida by Air, Director of Texas Tech Center aircraft Steve witnessed that behind the airbus on which he flew attached to a UFO in the form of a sparkling ball bright white color. It was about six in the evening local time and happened at an altitude of thirteen kilometers above the level seas.

A mysterious ball (see video) accompanied the plane about ten minutes, moving in parallel with him at the same speed. However soon UFO, as it were, “pushed” its upper and lower parts, ending in rhombus and wrapped like a spindle. Without causing the plane the slightest harm, a UFO in the form of a rhombus simply dissolved in the air, most likely flew away at great speed.

As noted by the famous ufologist Scott Waring, such diamond-shaped UFOs are among the ten most famous. Most often they do not cause to people and objects with which they come close, harm, however in history Earth ufology there is a case known as the “Landrum incident”, when a rhombic UFO not only scared the witnesses of his appearance – sisters Landrum and the seven-year-old son of one of them, but also had on women’s health has a very negative effect.

It happened just on the eve of New 1981, Betty’s sister and Vicki Landrum, as well as a seven-year-old child, were returning to their hometown Dayton. They drove just along the forest highway road FM-1485 (around 9 pm), when they were blinded by bright light from the sky, breaking through trees. Soon, they clearly saw that over with the tops of the trees a strange rhomboid object hanging from the bottom parts of which a flame erupts.

Vicky, while driving, stopped the car because she got scared, that with the approach to this UFO, they simply burn. All come out of cars and how hypnotized stared at the mysterious rhombus. Soon near it appeared US military helicopters, among which, for example, Betty noticed the famous Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Military began to push UFOs in a southerly direction. In general, on time, because from the heat that a mysterious rhombus emitted, the sisters machine very hot, and they themselves ultimately got burns heads and hands, although they did not even notice it right away.

All this affected the health of the sisters, who later had to long to be treated. The incident with a UFO in the form of a rhombus at that time received widely publicized in the USA, and throughout the world. And this despite the fact what the United States military did their best to hide from public incident representing a rhombus incident in the sky about which was told to journalists by the sisters of Landrum, a hallucination, a test of new military equipment and other “nonsense” in which no one did not believe.

By the way, Vicki Landrum died only in 2007 at the age of 84. And until the end of her life, she did not change her story about meeting with UFOs, which shook her and her sister to the core. It turns out are rhombic UFOs returning to America again? One of them is that pursued the plane on which Steve flew, is already captured on video (by the way, again on New Year’s Eve). And this is not the only case recently…

Time Health Aircraft Scott Waring USA

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