Our genes are a kind of “brand of the manufacturer”, created billions of years ago somewhere in our galaxy. Such some scholars, including Vladimir Shcherbak from the National University of Kazakhstan Al-Farabi and Maxim Makukov from the V. G. Fesenkov Institute of Astrophysics. They are consider that our genetic code contains a message, which cannot be deciphered if one adheres to the theory Darwin evolution. If you can decrypt this message, then, according to the hypothesis, it will be possible to detect alien life more in a simpler way than when transmitting radio signals into space. A relatively new hypothesis is also called a biological program. search for extraterrestrial intelligence (“biological SETI”), referring to way to an existing project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence – SETI. Photo from open sources “This code was once installed and may not change for so many years. This is the most long-term information of all we know. And it is the stigma alien civilization in our genetic code confirms the presence of intelligent life besides us. If you rewrite the genome, then information will remain fixed until subsequent changes and can make travels in time and space “, – report authors of the idea in the journal Icarus. Scientists have analyzed in detail the human genome and mapped. It shows a clear order nucleotides of DNA and amino acids. Simple and clear device the genetic code may indicate that this is information, written in a certain language of characters. Decimal is included in the code. system, logical modifications and abstract designation of zero. Such a harmonious system is the result of logical thinking and non-trivial calculi, scientists are sure. Due to analysis and computation, scientists concluded that the code was written somewhere far beyond the solar system for many billions of years back. And this, in turn, is an argument in favor of panspermia – hypotheses that life was brought to Earth from space. Note that there is also the assumption that the universe, as we see it, it’s just a computer program created by some alien civilization. As part of this program, creators could also work hard on our genetic code, which is consistent with the assumption of Shcherbak and Makukov. It is also worth adding that all hypotheses about a possible “alien code” are part of the concept creationism. And she, as you know, makes you wonder who created those who created us.
DNA Life