Scientists have found evidence of existence aliens

Scientists have found evidence of the existence of aliensA photo from open sources

Astronomers at Columbia University of New York concluded that even with the most powerful telescopes we won’t be able to find exoplanets on which there is a highly developed civilization, because they are easy to hide with a laser, which obviously aliens.

The laser issued aliens

HARPS and Kepler orbiting telescopes have already discovered thousands exoplanets, some of which are quite suitable for biological life, however, the search for brothers in mind has not yet been crowned success. And all because, according to American scientists, that representatives of developed extraterrestrial civilizations hide their planets “from prying eyes.” Most likely, this is not against earthlings, since we are not able to harm these civilizations, however, such a space defense does not allow us to scientifically prove that we are not alone in the universe.

Faced such an discovery by American astronomers unusual the “behavior” of the star KIC 8462852 of the constellation Cygnus, since its the glow is not characteristic of natural light sources. They consider that with a laser even 30 megawatts can be done planet invisible to our telescopes, and if use more powerful appliances, say 700 megawatts then the planet will generally disappear from all radiation spectra – it will become complete invisible.

A photo from open sources

Therefore, American scientists based on “strange behavior” stars KIC 8462852 concluded that this is real evidence the existence of aliens. Ufologists, having read the article Columbia University astronomers published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, with surprise state that there is much stronger evidence of extraterrestrial mind. Namely – his presence on our planet, on a mysterious The moon, on the mysterious Mars, which is no longer possible to hide not only from scientists, even from ordinary people.

Moreover, if the laser protection of aliens star KIC 8462852 even earthlings, practically incapable of getting to the constellation Cygnus, then what about those highly developed civilizations for which distance in the universe is no barrier? Not Do the conclusions of American astronomers seem too far-fetched, very similar to another trick in order to divert attention to the public from the main thing – why is the world government still since it pretends that there are no aliens on Earth and there will be no can?..

Universe Lasers Exoplanets

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