Scientists: On the Shroud of Turin really Jesus

Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth with a length of 437 and a width of 111 centimeters. It is stored in the Italian city of Turin in the cathedral John the Baptist. On the canvas, two negative typos are distinguishable human body with traces of injuries – front and back. Alone believe that it was in this canvas that was wrapped off the cross Savior, whose body was imprinted on the fabric in some inexplicable way. Skeptics doubt it. And they suspect that the shroud still fake. That is, the image on it, if not drawn, then somehow obtained artificially. Both sides They have been arguing fiercely for many years. Two images turned out because Jesus was lying on one part of the shroud, and the other was covered – over the head Scientists: Jesus really is on the Shroud of TurinPhotos from open sources And now there are new results – in the benefit of those who believe in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. Scientists from University of Turin (Politecnico di Torino) presented their explanation of how the imprint the human body could appear on the tissue. Supervisor research team professor Alberto Carprinteri (Professor Alberto Carpinteri) assures that the image was created by the stream neutrons. The canvas became like a photographic plate, they “illuminated.” Thanks to this powerful radiation, which, in the end, the fibers of the fabric seared, the body onto it – onto the fabric – and projected. What became the source of radiation? His, according to researchers, created bowels during a strong earthquake of 8.2 points, which happened in old Jerusalem in 33 AD – just then, when the body of Jesus wrapped in a shroud lay in a cave. Now this place is called the Holy Sepulcher. A temple was erected above it, in which every year, a blessed fire breaks out. Shroud is carried out on reviews no more than once every 10 years Photos from open sources According to the professor, radiation distorted the results of radiocarbon dating conducted in several independent laboratories in 1988, changed the content of the carbon isotope-14, the concentration of which determine the date of origin of organic artifacts. Dating showed that the shroud was made in the period from 1260 to 1390. That is, she did not contact Jesus. By the way, professor Giulio Fanti, expert in mechanics and Thermal Measurement Faculty of Engineering, University of Padova believes that the results of radiocarbon dating could be distorted by the effects of fire and water on the fabric – it suffered in a fire. Moreover, the shroud was cooked in sunflower oil, trying to clean it from soot. But in the Turin Polytechnic University insist on radiation. Check would Assumptions that the image on the shroud could appear in as a result of exposure to a certain radiation, arose earlier. But Turin scientists first indicated its source. And now they insist: The Shroud of Turin is genuine. And yet, the hypothesis will remain hypothesis until researchers create a similar image on tissue using a neutron source. They are planning ask the current Pope for permission to hold molecular analysis of tissue using the latest technology. The goal is to find traces of the effects of the neutron flux. Besides scorched fibers, of course. SPECIALIST COMMENT Really Radiate – American researchers from Denver in the laboratory found that a granite cube under high pressure begins to emit electromagnetic radiation, electrical potentials appear on its faces, – says Stanislav Smirnov, senior researcher at the Research Institute of Precise instruments, full member of the Russian Geographical Society. -Perhaps neutrons are also being released. Intensity electromagnetic and neutron fluxes multiplies in the destruction of rocks. That is, during earthquakes. AND gives rise to unusual phenomena. In China in 1976, 5 hours before with the first blows, the night sky lit up for 20 minutes, like during the day. And for half an hour a powerful flash of intermittent light impressed atomic explosion. In some areas, the leaves of trees and garden plants turned out to be scorched. In 1999, before the earthquake in Turkish sea water warmed up, although in this place there are no underwater volcanoes. A few hours before Tashkent the 1966 earthquake lit off luminescent lamps sparkled electrical wires. In a word, the radiation power of the subsoil it would be enough to scorch the fibers of the shroud BTW It is impossible to falsify. In 2011, believers were encouraged National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable economic development of Italy (Enea). It published a report on five years of research on the Shroud of Turin, in which she took A group of American scientists STURP (Shroudof Turin Reasearch Project). It was their conclusions and their own analysis that allowed compilers of the report – scientists di Lazzaro, Murra, Santoni, Nickelatti and Baldakkini – to declare: the Shroud of Turin is not a fake. “Double image, frontal and back, of a person exposed the torture and crucifix that is visible on linen The Shroud of Turin, scientists said in a report, has numerous unusual characteristics, chemical and physical ones that are currently impossible to reproduce in laboratory conditions, it is impossible to repeat, and therefore fake images on the shroud. But it is also not allows to formulate a reliable hypothesis about the mechanism imprint formation. Today, science is unable to explain how a body imprint was formed on the Shroud. It was only it was found that the body was on the canvas for no more than two days. ” Well, the hypothesis is finally formulated. Professor Alberto Carprintery did his best. But let him prove that he is not mistaken.

Water Earthquake Time Fires

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