A photo from open sources
Astronomer Frank Drake sure it would be “stupid” to try send messages to the cosmos to search for extraterrestrial civilizations. The decision to try to contact any alien civilization with regular messages that will heading toward stellar systems adjacent to Earth, caused much more disagreement than expected. Some specialists such as, for example, professor Stephen Hawking, doubt the feasibility of establishing such contacts – and suddenly “green little men “will want to show hostility towards us. Others described attempts at contacting with aliens as a waste of money and time that can be spent on more important projects. Now Frank Drake, who tried mathematical by determining the number of potential extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy, said that the transmission of such messages to this a moment in time is a futile occupation, at least in the next 50-100 years. The astronomer believes that over the years people will come up with more effective ways to search for alien life. Frank also claims that even if the message reaches alleged recipient, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are unlikely whether they will spend huge energy resources to travel between the stars in search of earthlings. According to his calculations about travel to a nearby star system for a duration of flight about 100 earth years of energy need as much as power need the United States for the next 200 years.
Time stephen hawking