Scientists presented three possible scenarios human contact with extraterrestrial civilizations

Scientists have presented three possible scenarios of human contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.A photo from open sources

Summarizing the accumulated over many centuries of knowledge about extraterrestrial civilizations, scientists proposed three possible contact scenarios humanity with aliens, if any ever will happen.

According to the first option, the aliens will simply capture Earth, using its technical superiority. They will destroy most of the world’s population, and the remaining people will turn into slaves and experimental rabbits. It was such a scenario that was once described Herbert Wells in the novel War of the Worlds.

The second option is the same capture of the Earth, but only milder methods, for example, through psychological submission people to the will of the colonialists. It is clear that this scenario does not bear humanity is no good. No coincidence theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking did not advise Earth scientists to send signals to the Universe with the goal of searching for brothers in mind: these “brothers” can be far not friendly. And then, the concepts of friendliness and unfriendliness – purely human; it will be difficult for us to find contact with completely by another mind, say, a mollusk, an insect or plants.

The third scenario assumes that we have long been we are “under the hood” of the aliens. They have been exploring the earth for centuries may be conducting some kind of genetic experimentation here, but entering into we are not going to contact, we are not making contact with laboratory mice! ..

As you can see, of all the options proposed by scientists, there is no one that would correspond to the ideas of the ordinary man in the street, expecting someone to come to us with open arms, and Media with loud “cheers” will notify the whole world about it. If you remember Some science fiction writers painted something similar in the past, and this a fabulous idea has taken root in the minds of millions of people so much that you can only be given a miracle …

A photo from open sources

As for ufologists, they do not agree with the conclusions of scientists in the main thing: in their opinion, contact with aliens has already taken place. AND this is not only demonstrated by contactees, which is becoming more and more, but also government structures of leading countries in particularly the US and Russia, who act as if they know about the universe is much larger than all other people.

Another thing is that aliens work with us indirectly, but there are good reasons for this. For example, a contactor with extraterrestrial civilizations from Portugal (surname for obvious reasons not disclosed) says there is a brotherhood in the universe various alien races, but earthlings are not allowed into it yet, because, according to the Charter of higher forces, civilizations, waging wars and aggressive towards each other, cannot be its members.

A photo from open sources

In space, the contactee clarifies, everything is connected by a “ball of threads” in one Matrix, and this Matrix is ​​God, and everything that happens in it is divine will. And according to this will, until people lay down their arms and do not stop killing each other, a direct connection with others civilizations will be inaccessible to them.

War Universe Life in a Matrix Plants Russia Stephen Hawking

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