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US psychiatrist Rob Wheatley examines the effect of prayer on the mental human condition and has proven its health benefits as well increase self-esteem.
Scientists remind that prayer does not exist requirements, it can be pronounced aloud or silently, in a patterned way, spontaneously or purely individually. In this case, the main thing is how sincere a person is in his aspirations. Rob Wheatley had several studies on this topic.
In the first study, volunteers lifted their daily prayers to God. This group of people depressed depressed condition, increased self-esteem and satisfaction with life. IN another study conducted a similar experiment, but with patients of a psychiatric institution. Research results turned out to be almost the same. Some of the volunteers reported that prayers helped them get rid of a mental disorder.
Wheatley asked his colleagues and patients to pray daily, and then share the results. Most of them reported improving general condition, reducing depression and arising positive attitude to life. However, the scientist noted that prayer is especially shown to those who are lonely and isolated from society.
ESOREITER previously wrote about the idea of an Italian clergyman provide parking spaces for prayers.
A life