A photo from open sources
Participants in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project, engaged in the continuous search for contacts with representatives extraterrestrial civilizations, decided to explain to humanity why so far so far have not achieved any success in their work. Scientists are convinced that the whole thing is the technical imperfection of earthlings and immense the size of the universe.
According to project representative Jill Tarter, humanity so far managed to explore a very small part of the universe. The scale of the space of the Universe studied by our civilization comparable, according to the expert, with a glass of water splashed out to the oceans.
The second reason for the impossibility of contact of earthlings with the inhabitants of others planets, according to Tarter, are technological stagnation, coming in the twenty-first century. Humanity has ceased discover new ways of communication, and the hope that people will find an effective way to communicate not with each other, but with aliens melting every day.
Activities of the project “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” can be divided into two categories. The first one is sending in space of the so-called “alert signal”, designed to inform to the inhabitants of other planets that we want to make contact with them.
A photo from open sources
In addition, specialists are looking for messages, sent by aliens. To handle various electromagnetic signals from space, heads Projects use personal computers of volunteers. Each a resident of the Earth having a computer with Internet access may install a special program that will be in the background analyze information that can help in the search for extraterrestrial forms of life.
Aliens are already among us
However, such statements by orthodox scholars cause Some questions. Why are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations not get in contact first? After all, it is believed that their level technical development is incomparably ahead of ours. Maybe they don’t want to? IN In this case, the aliens simply will not answer us, even if we will be able to reach them.
Also, how to explain crop circles, flying saucers and reports of people meeting with aliens? It says a lot aliens are already among us and are actively in contact with individual individuals of earthlings.
That’s why ufologists, other progressive researchers parallel to official scientific institutions are doing a great job to collect and process data on the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on our planet, study parallel worlds, change their mind about time, space, reconsiders erroneous views on evolution, history and more. One gets the impression that orthodox science is in complete stagnation. Or that still a mask, the desire to keep the consciousness of earthlings in the dark and ignorance that ultimately meets the plans of the world governments – the so-called Illuminati? ..