Scissors fell to the floor: what does the omen warn about?

There are numerous superstitions about falling things. They warn of upcoming changes in life. If the scissors fell, you can be sure that unforeseen events will not keep you waiting long. After all, a special object with two sharp blades will not just fall off. The scissors fell to the floor You can not aimlessly open and close the scissors ('cut the air') – such actions lead to impoverishment

Signs and superstitions

Scissors are not only a tailor's working tool or a home assistant, but also an attribute of performing magical rituals. With its help, you can cut a figure for further manipulations with it, or cut something into several parts, cut something off from something. With a cutting tool, sorcerers can erase something from your life.

According to the signs, you can cut anything with scissors:

  • disease;
  • excitement, anxiety, fear;
  • the society of an unpleasant useless person;
  • obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • problems and troubles.

But there are other signs according to which you can cut off success and luck. And in the old days, they believed that scissors could hurt the soul.

Signs on how to purchase a metal 'home assistant':

  • You need to buy on a waning moon.
  • The purchase should take place in the afternoon.
  • Before introducing the scissors into the house, you need to draw a cross with them in the air on the doorway (this will help protect the house from the penetration of negative energy).
  • The purchase must be placed in a conspicuous place and do not touch the item for three days.

Special features apply to tailor's scissors. The master uses the tool with which he cut the clothes for the funeral ritual, they can only be used for similar purposes. Sometimes, after use, they are 'buried' (buried in the ground).

In everyday life there are many signs about scissors:

  1. You can not aimlessly open and close ('cut the air') – such actions lead to impoverishment.
  2. You should not pass the scissors to someone with the blades first (this way you can quarrel with this person). It should be served with a smile, rings forward.
  3. If you have work to do, don't grab them right away. First, you need to slightly warm your hands (to scare away evil spirits that like to live in sharp cold objects).
  4. Scissors bring good luck if they are closed on the wall.
  5. You need to put it quietly (you cannot throw it). The louder this metal object knocks, the more serious the scandal in the house will be.
  6. If the scissors fell to the floor, according to the signs, they cannot be lifted by the one who dropped the thing. You need to ask someone around you about it.

As with any other sharp objects (knives, needles, knitting needles), scissors cannot be gifted. This is bad for both parties: the giver, along with the present, will bring discord into the relationship with the gifted. And the person who accepts as a gift will bring great trouble to his home. The negative is easy to neutralize if you give a few coins in return (preferably copper).


  • If you had to find scissors on the road – that's bad. It is necessary to bypass the find by the side without lifting the thing. Black magicians often use cutting tools to induce corruption. In addition, with the scissors found by others, you can reshape fate, and not for the better.
  • If you find scissors with rounded ends, it means that you know how to smooth out conflicts. If such an object is caught by a married couple, it portends the birth of a child or the wedding of a daughter.
  • If a thing is unexpectedly found on the desktop, it means that there is a person in your life that you need to get rid of (disperse, not communicate).
  • If you find a cutting object after the guests leave, it must be thrown away (it is possible that the thing is used as a pad). Put on gloves, and take the find to the wasteland. Wipe the place where someone else's cutting tool was found with salt water.

There is an interesting sign in Africa: if during the wedding ritual someone opens the scissors (even if necessary), the groom will lose his masculine strength.

scissors dropped omens

Why do the scissors fall to the floor?

Particularly important signs relate to the fall of the scissors. The interpretation of the event varies depending on how the metal object fell:

  1. If they fell to the floor, this is a harbinger of unexpected guests, of which there may be several. It is worth preparing for their arrival (prepare a signature dish or go to the store for goodies).
  2. If, when falling, the scissors stuck their tip into the floor covering, this portends the imminent death of one of the residents.
  3. If the fallen sharp object does not stick in, but only damaged the flooring or countertop, this portends a disease.
  4. If the tailor's working tool falls like this, then soon the master will have to fulfill an order for servicing the funeral ceremony.
  5. According to another sign, the fall of the tailor's scissors promises the master a lot of work.

If they broke after a fall or fell apart in two halves in their hands, this is a harbinger of unpleasant events. Desires are not destined to come true, but dreams are not destined to come true. A similar interpretation has a sign of cracked tool blades.

Protective rituals

Protection is required in the event that the scissors on the floor predict the arrival of guests, but you do not want to receive them. To prevent unwanted visitors from visiting, a simple ritual can be performed.

Before picking up the fallen cutting tool, knock it 3 times on the floor with the words: 'Do not come to me, you are not invited, but do not bring your friends with you, but you sit at home, sit at home, sit at home!'.

After that, you can put them back in place, and calmly do whatever you want, without worrying about the arrival of an uninvited guest.

If your scissors fell to the floor and there is no one to ask them to pick them up, step on the tool with your right foot, and then boldly take it. Rub a little on your hands to warm them up. As a result of such actions, you can expect that troubles will bypass you.

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