Secret bunker “754” – storage of crashed UFO

SecretA photo from open sources

Everyone interested in UFOs has heard of Area 51 – US military base in Nevada, where the remains of all alien vehicles that had the misfortune of breaking into territory USA. The USSR had its own analogue of Zone 51 – the closed facility “754”. Here brought “flying saucers”, “flying cigars” that crashed over the USSR and flying saucers.

Secret training ground Kapustin Yar

When rocket (not even space) technology did the first steps, the question arose of organizing a testing ground. Places it took a lot. Russia, thank God, is not deprived of territory in 1946 military allocated in the northern part of the Astrakhan region “piece” of 650 sq. km. – here, train.

The name of the landfill was given by the village on the territory of the landfill – Kapustin Yar. Here in Cap Yar (as the military training ground is called), Fau-2 captured from the Germans were tested, the first ones were launched ballistic missiles. The first in the world started from here. supersonic two-stage intercontinental cruise missile ground based “Storm”. All missile systems before enlisted troops were tested in Cap Yar.

It is clear that the training ground was top-secret, guarded and officers with morning to night they did not tire of reminding the soldiers that “intelligence of all countries of the world are hunting for the secrets of Cap Yar. ”

A photo from open sources

Downed cigar

In the summer of 1948 was discovered flying over the landfill silver cigar-shaped object. Duty officer on his the emergency report received a short “Destroy!” Two jet took off MIG-15. However, the object was not going to be “destroyed”, released laser beam and hit one car. Pilot of the second plane, laying down turn, came out of the fire and attacked the device. The cigar smoked and raced sharply to the ground.

Alarmed soldiers with a task arrived at the crash site. catch a foreign spy and military experts burning the desire to learn a sample of enemy espionage technology.

However, upon arriving at the site, experts found that the object to foreign intelligence has nothing to do since extraterrestrial origin. All the wreckage (to the last shard!) neatly collected and taken to a hangar specially designated for them on landfill territory. Here the wreckage was studied by scientists, trying to uncover secrets of extraterrestrial structures and technologies.

Legend of the object “754”

Since then, wherever fragments were found on the territory of the USSR a crashed UFO, they were sent immediately to Cap Yar. Collection grew and in 1979 at the landfill began to build a multi-story underground bunker as a platform for military nuclear physicists to tests of prototype missile warheads with special ammunition (nuclear charges). Instead of the name, the object received a number – 754.

The bunker was built for 10 years. Departing to a depth of 50 meters, he had several levels, the length of the corridors of each floor is more than 150m. For UFO debris delivery to the bunker were laid car and the railway. But from above you will see only a mound with ventilation pipes.

Blue Package

In the 90s, members of the Ufological Association of Russia tried find out how the myth of the bunker “754” corresponds to the truth and sent an official request to the KGB. Request has been signed. Chairman of the Ufological Association astronaut P. Popovich.

Cosmonaut Popovich was a supporter of the existence of UFOs (his saw) and since 1984 was a member of the commission for abnormal atmospheric phenomena of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and with the emergence of ufological Association became its chairman.

From the document signed by the astronaut of the USSR No. 4, did not waved off and sent an envelope with 124 typewritten pages text. In the 90s, when the country was falling apart, state secrets were distributed in batches to the right and left.

It turned out that the object really exists and is stored in it five (!) “captured” UFOs in varying degrees of safety: shot down in 1985 in Kabardino-Balkaria, the “plate” found in 1981 in Kazakhstan, a UFO shot down in Kazakhstan in 1992, a UFO from Kyrgyzstan (1992), and the wreckage of a crashed cigar in Estonia. And all things a wagon.

Information is classified

Ufologists perked up and already dreamed that soon they were their eyes will see material evidence of alien visits to Earth. However order in the country recovered faster than they were able to penetrate the secret bunker. All subsequent requests by ufologists remained unanswered, and the “blue packet” itself was declared fake.

Today Kapustin Yar, as before, is a military training ground, at his vast territories are deployed with a dozen military units. A somewhere deep underground in a secret bunker “754” are stored warped UFOs, under the pressure of experts, gradually giving their secrets of earthlings. And the military, if when they are asked a question about the object “754” respond shortly: “There will be no comments.”

Posted by Klim Podkova

Kazakhstan Missiles Russia USSR �

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