Photos from open sources of
“Secret Journey to the Planet of Serpo” – a book written by Len Kasten based on supposedly real events, which, nevertheless, seem to many to be real fiction. But how much do we know about aliens, if we still look at their “flying saucers”, like some ghosts or hallucinations?
So, this is what this book briefly says (by the way, for this you can watch two videos below which, of course, are in English, but it’s easy to include subtitles in Russian):
At the test site of the secret American base “Zones-51” July 16, 1965 an alien ship landed, flown from the star system of Zeta Reticuli. This visit took place under the project “Crystal Knight”, created on the initiative President J. Kennedy back in 1962, and was an exchange humanoids between the planets Earth and Serpo. During this visit aliens calling themselves Ebeni captured on their planet twelve earthly astronauts who set off with aliens in a ten-year journey to Serpo – a planet located at 39 light years from the solar system.
The book goes on to say that during the flight, which took place at superluminal speeds and using passages through wormholes, one of the members of the earth crew died due to thrombosis (pulmonary embolism). However, on the planet Serpo itself it was not easy for the earthly astronauts: the unbearable heat from two suns, day, 43 hours long, high radiation … Nevertheless, Earthlings have been on a friendly planet for more than ten years, and therefore, they returned to their native Earth only on August 18, 1978 of the year.
And that’s not all: three for various reasons died, and two astronauts decided to stay on Serpo because they did not want to to return from the planet of a highly developed spiritual society to Earth, where so much injustice, grief and suffering.
A photo from open sources
And although many consider the Crystal Knight project, as well as the flight astronauts on the planet Serpo, nothing more than a legend, in 2005 members of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), owned by the US intelligence and defense, are Americans who participated in the above projects, publicly spoke with statement from all seven crew members flying to Serpo and safely returning to Earth. All details of the project “Crystal Knight “then, allegedly, were declassified, and this is six thousand tape recordings and thousands of photos.
It has also been reported that since 1978, aliens from Zeta Reticuli (the star system, which includes the planet Serpo) flew to Earth a few more times. The amazing thing about this whole story is that all these events have not received worldwide publicity. Of course all this can be attributed to our governments, which any information about aliens try to shut up or at least distort. But I believe it all early with difficulty, although what the hell is not joking …