Sects of the world – traps for consciousness

Sects of the world - traps for consciousnessPhotos from open sources of

Probably everyone knows that in our world there are several world religions, and even immediately call them: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. Some of the most enlightened in this matter people will add, for example, Hinduism. Really religious currents and all kinds of sects in the world – thousands. Moreover, hotel they simply amaze the imagination of modern western person.

To Satanism – One Step

For example, a religious sect has absorbed the real an explosive mixture of all kinds of beliefs with the main foundation – black by magic. Her adherents revere the world of ancestors and the power of natural forces. There seems to be nothing wrong with that, but if you see their altars and religious rituals, you can lose your mind. Fans fell the dead are pulled out, fresh corpses are even butchered, why the impression that these people are subject to cannibalism. But this all are religious “customs” and religious “rules”, and far not for the faint of heart, although they are not yet Satanists (about Satanists and other creepy sects see the video below – very useful material, because, according to psychologists, from getting into such sects are not insured by any person).

A photo from open sources

Microbes are also living things.

Not so scary, but just as crazy it seems simple man and the teachings of Jains, religious fanatics obsessed with wildlife. Jains are the opponents of killing everything that moves, for example, they not only do not destroy mosquitoes or bugs in the house, but they even breathe through cheesecloth, so as not to breathe in anything living. A walking along the path, they will certainly sweep it in front of themselves, so as not to crush not a single bug. On the other hand, it’s surprising why they vegetation is not considered a living thing? Probably because otherwise they would have to starve to death. And these there are more than 5 million madmen in the world …

A photo from open sources

Worship of aliens

But the religious teaching of Eterius can be called one of the most young, because his followers revere aliens, bowing to the “interstellar parliament”, which in turn obeys the higher mind – Eterius. I came up with this sect British taxi driver George King, who claims to him like to the highest adept of this teaching, messages come from outer space. Them he and informs his flock. By the way, the participants in this sect in no way case should not be confused with ufologists who also believe in aliens and recognize intelligent life not only on Earth but in the whole universe. Another thing is that ufologists do not bow before aliens and do not stray on this occasion into sects, not establish rules of conduct and especially not respect some supreme earth guru, as a conductor between the aliens and the inhabitants of our planet. Although some of these researchers extraterrestrial inhabitants of the universe assure us, for example, that Jesus Christ was an alien.

A photo from open sources

Strange, but more often – just scary, inhuman sects, disfiguring the body and soul of man, distorting the lives of people, especially children and still weak in their views boys and girls in the world lots of. Moreover, new ones constantly appear, and their number adherents is growing. And this massive psychosis cannot be stopped no prohibitions and even no force, punishment …

Universe life

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