Shefler's flower in the house – signs

The attractive guest from Australia and Oceania is reputed to be a magical plant in her homeland. Over the long years of life in a foreign land, the sheflera has firmly established the status of an energy vampire. Therefore, some growers are afraid to keep this unpretentious flower in the house, fearing, and will take trouble.

chiefs in the house signs

Others, on the contrary, insist on the extraordinary ability of the plant to predict the future and attract financial well-being to the owners. But this is only a small fraction among the signs and superstitions that enveloped the southern guest.

Is it possible to keep the chef at home and where to put on Feng Shui

The spreading crown of emerald palm leaves is able not only to transform the interior of any room, but also to normalize its emotional background. Scheflera is the case when graceful beauty is harmoniously combined with unique abilities:

  • relieve fatigue;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • increase the level of performance;
  • stimulate mental activity;
  • improve the ecological situation at home.

An important argument in favor of keeping an exotic plant at home is the ability to absorb negative energy, responding quickly to the thoughts and feelings of the owner.

Feng Shui experts say that the flower is able to calm down, prevent quarrels and scandals in the family, taking away the accumulated anger for itself. Therefore, the best place to keep the chefs in the house is the bedroom.

Here, under her sensitive guidance, people develop a sound, restful sleep, fatigue recedes, and marital relations acquire harmony.

Following the popular East Asian philosophy, the plant gives the greatest patronage to active and emotional people, Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, smoothing out the intensity of their feelings. But this does not mean that balanced and calm owners will be ignored.

If you rely on the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, then the southern direction of your home or office is the best option for growing a flower. The plant will attract positive people, new clients and successful partners.

The air in the room where the chefler's flower lives will always be saturated with oxygen and abundantly humidified. Such a healthy atmosphere can cheer you up, activate the brain, strengthen your psychological state and immunity, and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day.

To do this, you need to sit near the chefs for at least 20 minutes, stroking the glossy leaves – umbrellas, and enjoy a pleasant neighborhood.

The tropical guest provides invaluable assistance to schoolchildren and students. It is necessary to put a pot with a plant on the working table of the nursery or office. And leave the rest to the chef. Increased brain activity will allow you to easily assimilate new information.

Business people can also count on the patronage of the chefs. She does not leave her attention and the financial component of our life. According to Feng Shui, the location of the flower on the east side promises untold riches. The northern sector of the apartment is responsible for career growth.

the chief in the house of signs and superstitions

Signs on the state of the flower

At first glance, a graceful plant was created only to bring joy. However, as soon as the boss in the house gets sick, signs will become harbingers of many problems.

  1. Flower cheflera sheds foliage – expect disease or financial problems. Enterprising owners immediately try to prevent future changes: they carefully listen to their bodies, keep an eye on the upcoming expenses, while not forgetting to look after their green friend.
  2. Leaves dry up and curl up – quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided. The plant gives signals that it is necessary to get away from negative situations in time.
  3. The flower changes color, becoming covered with spots – a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is worth considering your behavior.
  4. Suddenly stopped growth of a plant indicates stagnation both in business and in personal life. The current life situation should be reviewed. Exuberant color, on the contrary, portends a quick replenishment in the family.

Perhaps, signs and superstitions are not the last place in the appearance of chefs, but you should not dwell on them. It is better to take care of the plant more carefully, and it in turn will help you.

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