Even our distant ancestors noticed that the moon, being in different phases, has a certain effect on human life. Rites and signs for the new moon help to increase capital, attract love and remove all unnecessary things from your life. When the night star is in a waning phase, it is not worth starting anything. And the signs for the full moon promise the fulfillment of desires.
Superstitions to the moon
Signs on lunar days help a person to correctly distribute their strengths and not waste energy. Of course, the full moon is characterized by a special influence on all living things. During this period, behavior and mood changes not only in animals, but also in humans. There are many signs about the full moon, and the magical rituals performed at this time are of great power.
Our ancestors could predict the weather by the moon. Moreover, in this case, not only the phase is important, but also the color of the celestial body. A very rare occurrence is considered a red moon during the day, which is a bad omen – signs promise trouble, illness and conflict.
The growing
On the growing moon, folk superstitions and omens advise not to be afraid to take the initiative. This period is very fruitful for any undertakings.
- The moon, which is in its growth phase, allows travel planning. And if you have long dreamed of relaxing, now is the most favorable time for this.
- If you want to grow long hair, cut the ends for the nascent moon. Signs indicate that after the procedure, the hair will grow rapidly and at the same time, their condition will noticeably improve.
- You can carry out work in the garden, it is especially good to prune trees – in the future, their crown will gain strength, the branches will be straight and even.
- On the growing moon, the fight against rodents shows good results. According to popular belief, during this period they often fall into traps.
- It is better to make new acquaintances with members of the opposite sex and plan dates on the moon, which is just in its infancy – there is a high probability of meeting true love.
Our ancestors also laid down certain signs on the waning moon.
- The growth and development of plants during this period is very slow. This must be taken into account when working in the garden and in the garden. At the same time, if you have long dreamed of a smooth lawn that will not require updating for a long time, then this is the best time to arrange it.
- Cutting your hair can only be recommended if you have a short hairstyle and want to keep it as long as possible.
- Signs are not advised to plan a move to a new place of residence for the waning moon. Otherwise, there will be no happiness in the house.
- A flawed moon allows you to get rid of all that is superfluous, so now it is good not only to throw out things from your home that you have not used for a long time, but also to cut off ties with unnecessary people. So you will make room in your life for new bright events.
- Do not plan long trips, the same goes for any undertakings – they will be unsuccessful.
- It is not recommended to plan a wedding celebration for the waning moon. According to the omen, when the night star decreases, then feelings between partners also fade away with it.
- As for the financial sphere, it is advisable to repay debts during this period. It is better to refuse large purchases, new loans and serious investments.
Signs for the new moon and full moon
On a full moon, signs are not advised to make important decisions. This is a special period that is most favorable for peace and quiet, both mental and physical. On the new moon, signs are also recommended to act slowly.
If in the first case the celestial body has great power and has a tangible effect on all living things, then in the second version it is practically inactive, but despite this, the new moon period is also considered very ambiguous.
- Signs of love are promised to a girl, into whose house a bird flew on the new moon, a marriage proposal.
- If you have planned a wedding for this period – life together promises to be happy, the spouses will live in love and prosperity.
At the same time, it is a very good sign if a young wife loses her virginity with her legal spouse on the new moon.
- Celebrating a wedding anniversary on the new moon is a breakup.
- Scattered salt – a quarrel with a loved one is expected soon.
- In a dream, you saw how a tooth was pulled out for you – to separation.
- Receiving or giving a gift on the new moon is a good sign. Sign promises happiness in a relationship.
- The first kiss on a full moon promises the progress of a relationship in a couple. Love will be strong, it is possible that you will be able to create a happy family.
- A shooting star on a full moon is happiness in personal life.
- On a date with a bright moon, hearing a dog howl is a sign of a major quarrel that can cause a breakup.
- It so happened that in one day you washed the floor in your house three times – this year, get ready for your wedding.
But at the same time, you should not specially wash the floors three times on a full moon – the omen will not work.
- On a full moon, you forgot a mirror under your pillow – try to remember what you dreamed about. If a man – a betrothed will soon appear on your doorstep, a woman – love will not come in the near future.
- A fight on the full moon is a bad omen. You will soon regret very much the words you threw in the heat of the moment.
- On a full moon, it is advised to make a wish. And in order for it to be fulfilled, it is necessary to sincerely believe in the power of the heavenly body, otherwise there will be no positive result.
- A young man will whistle on the full moon – to parting with his beloved.
- A torn lace on a full moon also promises parting.
Signs about money, as well as ceremonies and rituals for love, performed on the new moon and full moon, have tremendous power.
- A coin was found on the new moon – a considerable profit is expected. In order for the omen to work, it is advisable to show the find to the moon and then hide it in a purse.
- Have made a good purchase on the new moon – financial success is guaranteed.
- Lend money to someone on the new moon – they will not be returned to you. Borrowed – it will be very difficult to give them back.
- On a new moon, finding a hole in your pocket is a good omen. In this case, the clothes should be sewn up immediately – this promises a profit, otherwise you will face difficulties in the financial sphere.
- To drop into a new house on a new moon – a sign says that this is good luck.
- Snow fell on the new moon – soon it will melt.
- They closed the conservation for the full moon – according to popular beliefs, it won't stand for a long time.
- We left knives on the table – in the morning they will have to be sharpened again, since the moonlight will certainly dull them.
- We saw a full moon in the sky – close the windows tightly so that its rays do not hit you, otherwise you will have a nightmare. Another sign suggests that moonlight takes away youth. But it is especially dangerous for pregnant women – there is a popular belief that a baby can be born with mental disabilities.
New moon rites
It is no secret that the most mysterious is the night with a full moon, and it is on the full moon that most rituals are performed, and magicians and healers utter conspiracies. And this is not without reason, since during this period the universal energy becomes the most active.
On the new moon, you should pay special attention to the signs that tell you what not to do.
- It is highly undesirable to consume alcoholic beverages.
- It is not allowed to sort things out.
- Long journeys by car are not recommended.
- You should not change your place of work during this period.
According to signs, it is also advisable to refuse from carrying out rituals aimed at decreasing during the new moon. This applies to getting rid of bad habits, excess weight, diseases, etc.
But at the same time, according to the signs, on the new moon, you can carry out a ritual to fulfill your wishes. It is written down on a blank sheet, and always in the present tense, as if it is already present in your life.
The note is placed on the windowsill and covered with an object in the form of a horse or with its image. A few days later, the note is hidden. A wish made in this way is fulfilled within several months.
Love rites
Love rituals are not included in the list of what cannot be done on the new moon, on the contrary, signs are advised to be carried out precisely during this period.
- If a girl wants to make peace with her beloved, she should sit down in front of the window, loose her hair, comb it and mentally call the young man to her.
- To keep the relationship strong, socks are tied on the new moon: one from their pair and the other from the partner's pair. Then they put the bundle under the pillow and go to bed.
To attract love, beliefs, omens and superstitions are advised to put dried pink buds in a vase. Then cut off the willow twig and say: 'Help me, willow! Give me feminine beauty, wisdom, love strength! '
Then they separate the poplar twig, saying the following conspiracy: 'Help me, poplar! Ignite a man's passion, strength, love a flame! ' Twigs tied with red thread are placed in a vessel with dried roses.
On a full moon, the contents of the vase are poured onto the ground and they say: 'Beauty Moon is changeable and cold. My love will be constant and hot. At my word, the lock is locked, the key is in the sea-ocean, and the lock is under the mountain. As the mountain does not move, as the sea does not dry up, so my word will be indestructible! '
Monetary rites
- They put a silver coin in a pocket or leave a purse with bills on the windowsill until morning.
- On the full moon and new moon, red tones should be worn.
- Coins are thrown into a bowl of water and left on the window. When the sun rises, they rinse their feet with this water and say: 'I pour money water over me, I am filled with wealth. Legs will lead to where the bowl is full. '
Another monetary rite. At nightfall, you need to go outside and transfer money with your left hand to another compartment, while saying: 'With the blessing of Mother Moon and the power of the elements, I attract an endless stream of prosperity. I ask for help and support for the benefit of all. Let it be so. '
Then you should return to the house, find a candle (preferably green) and drip essential oil on it, place it in an aroma lamp and light it. Spread your wallet bills around the lamp, sit down next to it and imagine yourself rich. After the candle burns out, collect the money and over the next three days, be sure to buy the thing you have dreamed of for a long time.
Household rituals
New Moon is the right time to get rid of all that is unnecessary. Write on paper what you would like to remove from your life. It can be a bad habit, a difficult relationship with someone, illness, etc. Then burn this list and flush the ashes down the sink or toilet.
At the same time, it is advisable to carry out a general cleaning, sort out things and throw away everything old. Your home will become clean and there will be enough space for positive energy.
As you can see, sometimes it is really useful to look at the lunar calendar. Signs and rituals for the full moon and new moon will help you make your life better, protect yourself from troubles, attract good luck, money and love.