Both positive and negative folk signs are associated with ficus, therefore, before purchasing it, you should familiarize yourself with its varieties, the magical properties of each of the species, recommendations for location in the room and the impact on health when carrying a child.
What does the flower symbolize
In the omens and superstitions of China or Thailand, Benjamin's ficus is described as sacred, bringing comfort, happiness and good luck to the home of its owner, as well as cleansing the home of negative energy. In the West, ficus is used to strengthen family ties and create a harmonious indoor atmosphere.
The magical properties of the plant
A ficus, correctly located in the house and receiving regular care, will attract happiness, luck and prosperity, help to acquire offspring and protect the home from ill-wishers.
Signs do not recommend redirecting the ficus – this can bring misfortune to the former owner and deprive him of good luck. In addition, the flower should be in one place – regular movements will lead to the fact that the residents will not feel happy in their place.
Is it possible to keep ficus at home
In the old days, the Slavs believed that the flower should not be kept in the house – it awakens anger, envy and other negative emotions in a person. Over the years, under the influence of other countries, signs about the presence of a ficus in a dwelling have changed, and now it is believed that this flower helps:
- strengthen the marital union and improve relationships between relatives;
- purify the air;
- fill the room with positive energy;
- bring happiness to the house.
Signs say that an unmarried girl should not purchase this plant – it will scare off the stronger sex from her, and reduce the chance of getting married.
A flower thrown out by a married lady can lead to an early divorce or widowhood.
Who can't keep ficus at home
You can not keep ficus in the house if you have an allergic reaction to the plant. The main symptoms are fever and a significant deterioration in well-being. Ignoring this condition can lead to the development of asthma.
Where to place in the house
The flower should be placed away from others, otherwise it will not have enough space to fill with energy. Optimal places for location and signs:
- east or south side – relations in the house will become calm and harmonious;
- on the windowsill – will attract happiness and comfort to the house;
- in the kitchen – reduces appetite, while there will never be financial troubles in the family, especially
- if you bury a silver coin in the ground;
- in the bedroom near the bed – normalizes sleep, relieves nightmares, enhances a man's self-confidence and increases the chances of conceiving a baby;
- in the living room – attracts people who are important for building a career to the house.
The ficus located in the office will help get rid of negativity in the team, as well as enhance concentration.
A dried plant warns its owner of a black stripe at work or in relationships with loved ones soon, and placed in a dark place can lead to a deterioration in relations between spouses and parents with children.
Effects on pregnancy
Ficus will help to conceive a long-awaited child, but only with regular and conscientious care. To make the desire come true as soon as possible, it is recommended to adhere to several rules and take:
- take a branch of a plant in a family where there are already children;
- when caring for a flower, talk to it like a baby;
- do not let strangers touch it, so as not to waste energy.
Expert Opinion Svetlana Kravchenko Esoteric It is believed that walking around the pot with a plant can increase the chance of getting pregnant. Often in the ficus, before a quick replenishment, shoots appear in the family.
Who can give a flower
Ficus Benjamin can be presented to any person – it will fill his life with luck, improve financial well-being and help in fulfilling desires. It will also be a great present for people who are married and dream of procreation. It is best to donate a flowering tree.
Varieties of ficuses and signs
Certain signs and superstitions are associated with each type of ficus. Consider those that can be grown at home.
Ficus Benjamin
It has long been believed that after being expelled from the divine garden, Eve and Adam were covered with leaves of this ficus variety 'Natasha'. Also, there are no less popular subspecies of Benjamin – starlight, goldenking and exotic. Signs say that they eliminate negativity from the house, relieve tenants from unreasonable anxiety and insomnia, and create a cozy atmosphere.
This flower will eliminate many harmful organisms that can lead to the development of serious diseases.
Ficus rubber
In some omens and superstitions, there is another name for the rubber ficus – muzhegon. It means that where it grows, not a single man lives for a long time. There are also more positive beliefs:
- The rubber-bearing ficus attracts wealth to the house, helps to solve existing financial problems in a short time and achieve a promotion at work. To do this, you need to place the pot with the plant on the table in the central room or office.
- Helps get pregnant and makes childbirth easier.
It is believed that a plant donated on the wedding day will entail constant scandals between the newlyweds and an early dissolution of the marriage.
Ficus Robusta
The main difference from the Benjamin variety is the denser leaves of a dark green color. Thanks to positive signs and superstitions, this type of ficus can be kept in the home or office – it cleans any room of negative energy, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
To improve the atmosphere in the house and build relationships with relatives, the leaves should look to the west.
Ficus Melanie
Unpretentious, looks like a small bush. Accommodation recommendations:
- near the workplace – to eliminate signs of fatigue;
- in the corridor – will help to attract guests to the house;
- in the bedroom – will establish sexual relations between spouses.
It is not recommended to place the pot with the plant in the very center of the room – this will minimize its positive impact.
Ficus Kinky
A dwarf variety of Benjamin, which has a height of no more than 40 centimeters and narrow light green leaves. The plant protects its owner from the actions of ill-wishers. In the case of planning a pregnancy, it should be placed in the bedroom.
How to avoid negative consequences
To avoid negativity, it is not recommended to place the plant far from sunlight, as well as on the north and west sides. In these places, it will not maintain comfort and harmonious relationships in the house.
Spontaneous acquisition often promises to receive big money or good news soon. It is important to remember that the ficus will have a positive effect on the owner's life only if he is constantly taken care of and taken care of without negative emotions.