Signs and superstitions about flowers in the house

Indoor plants become not only a decoration for an apartment, but also a source of certain energy in the house. Signs about flowers can be interpreted positively or negatively. It depends on the type of plant. By picking up the right flower in your home, you can improve your health, financial situation, as well as family relationships.

signs and superstitions flowers in the house

Flowers that are worth growing according to signs

Signs and superstitions about flowers will tell you what species can be grown or kept in the house. The following plants will improve the energy of your home:

  1. Sansevieria. The people call this flower a pike tail. It helps to attract the positive energy of space into the house. According to signs, plants that stretch upward are endowed with a similar action.
  2. Azalea, begonia, geranium. They will help remove aggressive, evil energy from the room. It is popularly believed that these indoor plants help develop a sense of humor in a person. Thanks to this, he can more easily endure the difficulties that are encountered on the path of life.
  3. Violet, balsam. These types of flowers develop creativity in the inhabitants of the house.
  4. Yucca, cyclamen. Their energy is aimed at developing and strengthening self-confidence. Therefore, it is recommended to put pots of these plants in the child's room.
  5. Aloe and lemon. Their healing properties are familiar to everyone from childhood. These flowers, according to the sign, contribute to the development of a child's curiosity, poise, as well as a keen mind and ingenuity. Thanks to them, the baby will grow up with a kind and sympathetic heart.
  6. Fat woman. The second name of the flower is money tree. It will provide material stability in the family. To maximize wealth, choose a money tree with large leaves. According to popular belief, if money plants die, then poverty will await the family. Therefore, pay attention to the care and watering of the flower.
  7. Dracaena. In order for a person to have profit and good luck in all matters, the flower should be placed on the desktop or in the office.
  8. Ficus. If you put it in the kitchen, then it will become the guarantor of a full refrigerator in the house. In addition, the ficus will provide accompanying good luck in all affairs and endeavors.
  9. Fern. It is an indicator of damage and negative energy. According to folklore, if the fern began to wither, it means that a magical effect is exerted on one of the household or family. But do not worry about health or life, the plant has already taken a hit, clearing the room of negativity. After that, it can no longer be kept in the house.

There are a huge number of indoor plants. There are forbidden ones that cannot be kept at home. Therefore, before buying or accepting indoor flowers as a gift, you should carefully read the signs. It often happens that, according to omens, the same plant has several interpretations.

what flowers can not be grown at home signs

What flowers can and cannot be kept at home?

Signs about indoor flowers in the house have good and bad meanings. In addition, plants affect various areas of life. If you do not have enough happiness, health or material wealth, bring home some kind of indoor flowers.

There are several varieties that, according to folk signs, can and should be kept in an apartment. They will attract streams of positive energy from space, which guarantees a white streak in a person's life. These types include:

  1. Uzumbara violet or flower of love. In order for the house to become a full bowl and love, harmony, prosperity and happiness settled in it forever, the plant must be with white inflorescences.
  2. Myrtle. For unmarried girls, myrtle will attract great and pure love. If a woman who is married brings a flower to the house, then it will act as the guarantor of a long and happy family life.
  3. Anthurium. Possesses male energy. Therefore, a free girl will quickly meet a soul mate. In the house in which anthurium grows, there are no quarrels, swearing and disputes. He fills the room with a favorable aura for pure family relationships.
  4. Decembrist Schlumberger. Fills the space around him with positive energy, spreading peace, happiness and goodness.
  5. Ficus. You can store the plant in any room, with the exception of the bedroom. The plant copes well with depressive conditions, removes aggression and negativity, and gives peace and tranquility in return.

In order not to attract negative energy, it is worth knowing which flowers are best not to keep in living quarters. For example, girls who have not yet tied themselves in marriage are not recommended to keep curly flowers at home:

  • Golden mustache;
  • epipremnum;
  • tradescantia.

There are muzhegon flowers. Because of them, girls cannot meet a decent young man whom they could marry. Among these indoor plants are:

  • birch;
  • orchid;
  • begonia;
  • tulips;
  • ferns;
  • tuberose.

One of the most beautiful and popular plants is the Chinese rose. She is called the queen of flowers. It comes in various shades, sizes and even shapes. Despite its visual appeal, the flower is a danger to all women, regardless of their marital status.

Superstitions say that the Chinese rose draws love out of the house without giving anything in return. In other words, she is a kind of energy vampire. Therefore, the Chinese rose should not be kept at home.

signs about flowers

Flowers that bring money

If the question of money is acute in the family, bring one of the following flowers to the house:

  1. Fat woman or money tree. For the flower to bring maximum benefit to the house, plant it in a red or green pot. Place a coin on the bottom of the container before planting. The leaves of the money tree cannot be broken off. This will disrupt the correct flow of energy. The leaves should fall off by themselves.
  2. Geranium. According to folk signs, if you often inhale the scent of a flower, then a person will have financial stability in life.
  3. Cactus. Place it in a bright place. Only in this way will the owner of the plant expect success in financial matters. Read also about blooming cactus.
  4. Dracaena Sander. A flower will bring material well-being only if it is properly cared for. This procedure is not difficult: only plentiful and timely watering.

For lovers of roses in the house, signs say that this is not a good idea. She is an energy vampire. Therefore, it will not give the opportunity to appear in the house for money.

If you want to attract material stability, you should know which flowers cannot be kept at home. These include stunted, diseased, and dried flowers. They already have a bad and dead energy that will not help attract money to the house.

indoor flowers signs

Plants for family well-being

There are certain types of planted and grown indoor flowers that, by their presence, will bring maximum positive energy into the house. Among them:

  1. Violet. Represents eternal love. If you put a violet on the east or west side of the house on the windowsill, it will open the path of the energy of well-being and harmony into the house. Thanks to this, quarrels and misunderstandings will forever go away from the family.
  2. Spathiphyllum. Helps to build good and trusting relationships between family members. This contributes to the fact that mutual understanding will appear in the house. If it is difficult for a couple to have a child, then after bringing spathiphyllum into the house, the problem will be quickly resolved. For lonely people, the plant guarantees the quick appearance of the second half.
  3. Calathea. The flower symbolizes the hearth. After her appearance in the house, happiness and love will come.
  4. Anthurium. Helps to achieve mutual understanding between spouses. To achieve this, you need to choose the right place for the plant. It cannot be placed in the sun. Here it will quickly dry up, which will jeopardize family happiness.

Chrysanthemum is considered one of the most delicate and beautiful indoor plants. She not only looks attractive, but she also has enough energy to awaken a couple's feelings for each other. Thanks to this, they will be able to maintain love and understanding for life.

home flowers signs

Plants that bring health

Indoor flowers have been known for their healing properties since ancient times. Therefore, it is considered a good omen to keep them in the apartment. The main thing is to know which ones can be grown at home.

One of the most common indoor plants is aloe. It is also called an agave. It is believed to benefit human health. At the same time, it is unpretentious in care, for which it is very popular among different peoples.

In addition to aloe, there are several more flowers that help restore human health and vitality. Among them:

  • dracaena;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • immortelle;
  • white oleander;
  • lemon Tree;
  • rosemary;
  • laurel;
  • coleus;
  • mint.

Each of these flower plants contributes to the improvement of the aura in the room, which is beneficial for human health. According to folk signs, you need to keep such plants at home. They will prevent the development of serious diseases.

flowers omens

Indoor plants by zodiac sign

When choosing a flower for a house, folk signs recommend taking into account the zodiac sign of the people living in it. Many houseplants will feel better and be most beneficial when selected according to the zodiac.


People born under this sign are protected by the planet Mars. Bright tall plants that have beautiful lush inflorescences are suitable for them:

  • royal begonia;
  • wild tiger lily;
  • Red Rose;
  • azalea;
  • pink geranium.

Aries cannot keep an aster, chrysanthemum, orchid at home.


People of this sign are endowed with character traits such as practicality and reliability. But according to popular belief, they are also jealous. Therefore, it is better to choose plants for calves of a small size, but with a high ability to survive. These indoor flowers include:

  • violet;
  • primrose;
  • lily.

They will give more positive energy if they are in a beautiful pot.

signs about indoor flowers


The sign belongs to the element of air. People born in this sign are distinguished by sociability, as well as constant movement. Therefore, the flowers in the house must be appropriate. Exotic plants are the best option. For example, different types of palms or vines.


The sign is distinguished by sentimentality and vulnerability. For these people, the family comes first. They are suitable for aesthetic indoor flowers that will create a cozy atmosphere in the house. Ficus will cope with this task best. But, besides him, aloe, fuchsia, Kalanchoe are suitable for crayfish.


Lion plants don't need a lot of light or grooming. You can ignore them. But they shouldn't be too humble or boring. For this sign, only luxurious and original plants are suitable, which will cause the envy of the people around. Best of all will cope with this task:

  • kalle;
  • Japanese camellia;
  • Chinese rose.


People of this sign pay attention to the practical side. Therefore, the external beauty of the plant does not matter to him. It is best for virgins to choose a flower that in the future can not only spiritually enrich the space, but also bear fruit. Such plants include lemon and tangerine trees.

what flowers can not be kept in the house signs


These people love to create harmony and comfort around themselves. Therefore, sophisticated compositions of home flowers will suit them. Orchids, hibiscus, crotons, Japanese fatsias, hydrangeas are a good option.


This sign has a strong energy. Therefore, the plants must be selected appropriate. These indoor flowers include azalea.


The fire sign has a high pace of life. For these elusive enthusiasts, flowers with long, plentiful buds will do. Rosemary works best for archers.


This sign has constancy and perseverance in character. Haste is unusual for Capricorns. Best of all, they get along with ficus, yucca, laurel. And also azalea will suit them.


It is unacceptable for such people to keep simple or formulaic flowers in the apartment. Plants should be saturated with personality and character. These colors include:

  • abutilone;
  • arrowroot;
  • motley rheo.

Aloe is also suitable for aquarius. It gets along only with the signs of the zodiac of the earthly elements.


For people born under this sign, the smell of flowers is very important. Appearance and useful properties for them do not play absolutely no value. Tolmia, hyacinth, alocasia, orchid will help restore harmony.

There are a huge number of indoor plants. To attract prosperity, love, happiness and prosperity to the house, you need to follow folk signs. They will help you choose the optimal types of flowers that will direct the positive energy in the right direction.

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