Signs of a clock falling from the wall

The wall clock is a kind of 'heart of the house'. They measure the passage of time, symbolize its infinity. Therefore, if the clock fell from the wall, this is a bad omen that can ruin even a very good mood. It makes you think about how to avoid trouble.

Bad omens

Before you panic about a fallen wall clock, you need to understand the reasons for the fall. Worthy of concern is the situation when a thing falls by itself in an empty quiet room without drafts and vibrations of the walls.

the clock fell from the wall

If a clock fell from the wall, this omen does not lead to anything good. Except when the watch survived. This means that a person will be able to 'get out' in a difficult situation.

If the mechanism breaks or the glass cracks, the consequences can be very unpleasant, even tragic. Unpleasant omens:

  1. If the walkers broke as a result of a clear and sharp blow, this is a harbinger of the end of the home owner's life. But if there is an elderly, seriously ill patient (especially a bedridden) in the house, then the sign refers to him.
  2. An unexpected fall of a fixed thing is an accident with a family member who is absent at this moment. Misfortune can happen exactly at the moment the clock falls.
  3. Broken or cracked glass, and there is no more damage – portends a divorce between spouses. To avoid, you need to pay attention to improving relationships and urgently replace the glass.
  4. The fall of the walkers as a result of loss of balance means a minor scandal, discord in the family.
  5. Damaged arrows are a warning about the alleged physical injury of one of the household.

If the clock fell as a result of the awkwardness of the hostess or guest, excessive activity of pets or children, wind or vibration of the wall due to repairs in a neighboring apartment, still be careful.

Moreover, the more mystical the incident looks, the more fatal the consequences will be. To avoid unnecessary hassle, buy a sturdy watch and attach it securely to the wall.

A good sign

The news of the fallen clock is not always interpreted as an omen of great trouble. There are also good national omens: higher powers can instruct 'lost souls' on the 'true path', sending such a sign.

signs about the clock

Positive interpretations of this event:

  • In the life of the owner of the watch, the time has come for decisive action. The frames are destroyed, you need to make a dash.
  • The business started a long time ago is too long, urgent decisions are required. The fallen clock 'warns' the owner that time will soon run out.
  • Mental stagnation interferes with life. It is necessary to overcome the blues, get rid of oppressive thoughts, end stupid relationships and turn your attention to useful things and self-development.
  • The scenario of events will begin to develop in a different direction, plans will change dramatically.

If the clock has fallen off the wall and fate pushes in this way to perform certain actions, you should not be afraid – after all, by giving a sign, the 'higher mind' wants to help you.

Procedure after a fall

If the wall clock breaks, here's what you need to do immediately on that day, depending on the circumstances of the event:

  • The clock falls, but does not break, remains intact and unharmed, does not stop the movement – take into account the listed signs, and return the thing to its place. Be careful soon, and advise the rest of your family to do the same. It is good for all household members to conduct an introspection in order to establish the cause of the incident.
  • The fallen watch survived, but received some damage. If the item can be repaired, do it without delay.
  • If the watch has stopped as a result of a fall or by itself, according to superstitions, keeping it at home is strongly discouraged. After all, now they show 'dead' time, which threatens the people around them with illnesses, lack of success at work and in personal life, and never-ending troubles.

If the clock breaks during the fall, it is urgent to get rid of it correctly so that negative energy does not spread in space.


  • Take plastic bags.
  • Wearing gloves, take the item apart.
  • Fold in separate bags: body, arrows, mechanism parts and so on. All items must go in different packages.
  • Take the remains of the chronometer to the trash can, and scatter the bags as far apart as possible.

If the damaged watch is of great spiritual value and you do not have enough strength to throw it away, wrap the chronometer in a purple cloth that will not allow the negative to flow out, and store the item on the far shelf.

Some people believe that omens that come true are the result of imagination. Therefore, eloquent signs are often dismissed. But it is foolish to ignore the prompts from the 'higher powers', so when receiving signals such as a broken clock, do not indulge in despondency, but exercise heightened discretion.

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