Six famous people who believe in aliens

Former Canadian Secretary of Defense Paul Hellier said aliens exist. However, this is not the first time that famous people make similar statements. We will talk about six famous people who believe in aliens. Floor Hellier

Six famous people who believe in aliensA photo Open Source Former Secretary of Defense Paul Hellier believes that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visit our planet for several thousand years and are now on it. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Russia Today. By his data, in 1961 there was a flotilla of about 50 UFOs, which heading south, crossed NATO territory from Russia. Supreme Commander of the Joint Armed Forces in Europe almost pressed the “panic” button. Flotilla in the end turned around and headed towards the North Pole. The investigation of the incident, according to the retired minister, lasted three of the year. As a result, it turned out that at least four species creatures have been visiting Earth for several thousand years. Now on our planet there may be representatives of approximately 80 various civilizations. Helya assures that recently aliens have become more active. Especially after we invented and detonated an atomic bomb. Worried that people will use nuclear weapons, as this can affect not only earthlings, but also the whole cosmic community. According to the retired secretary of defense, aliens now on Earth arrived from several different places. These are the stellar systems of Zeta Grid, Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda and Altair. Therefore, aliens are different. There are such, how they are portrayed in science fiction films – small, gray with with huge heads and eyes. And there are very similar to us – so called “High Whites”. There are even those whom people not distinguish at all. Hellier said that two of these indistinguishable – girls – dress up as nuns and go to Las Vegas for shopping. Walking calmly. And speaking last spring on The Declassification Civic Hearings conference in Washington, Hellier said that at least two “High Whites” working for the US government at a training ground in Indian Springs, Nevada. They live on the territory of the US Air Force base, cooperate with the military and share technology with them. Aliens have different tasks and goals. Say, like the USA, China or Russia. But most are set up in relation to earthlings peacefully. Frankly against us – roughly, like the Arabs, against the Jews – only two types of aliens. George Grechko

A photo from open sources Georgy Grechko three times flying into space actively investigates abnormal phenomena and openly declares: the existence of aliens is not proven, but not disproved. By According to the astronaut, during space flights in 1975, 1978 and 1985 years, no one instructed him to watch the UFO, but no one forbade him to do this, as well as tell about what he saw. IN in one of his interviews, he stated that he “tried to meet with aliens, he himself organized an expedition, because one the American wrote that there is a flying saucer on Sinai, but when they came there, then they saw just a beautiful smooth hill of natural origin. “- I just believe that they are. The tsunami in Japan and Thailand showed that we are not eternal and not omnipotent. In 1908 Tunguska meteorite fell in the taiga. He showed what could be with land, if we do not learn to detect and eliminate these space objects. There is a version that precisely because of the fallen Earth meteorite earthquakes and tsunamis started. Result – dinosaurs disappeared. Meteor hazard must be reckoned with. If Tungusky arrived four hours later, then no deer would be in the taiga died, but nothing was left of Petersburg. Next meteorite may fall in 2036. And while we are powerless before this. Can, misfortune in Japan will teach us something. The clever understands before, and the fool – after. Here we are now in a situation after the tsunami and before the meteorite. Us you need to learn how to shoot them down in space before they have done trouble. – Have you seen the green men in orbit yourself? – No people. We observed from our ship luminous points of incomprehensible origin. They moved among the stars and even seemed to make maneuvers … They see the same lights from the Earth. But what was that? Starships aliens? The dust particles behind the lining of our ship? A garbage bin thrown from the ISS that has not yet burned out in the atmosphere? The last step from a rocket launched from Earth? Satellite, having served its term and turned into a piece of metal? Easiest say: “These are aliens!” Go prove it! – A I did not find the REAL proof of a “visit from the outside” in space, but at the London National Gallery, ”continues Grechko. – To me struck the detail in the picture of the famous master Carlo Crivelli The Annunciation of 1486. Take a look for yourself! (G. Grechko shows a reproduction. – Aut.). In the clouds above the city – “flying plate “with portholes. A beam comes down from it. If take a closer look, instead of windows in the UFO – cherubs. I thought: a why is that? Yes, the artist simply depicted and interpreted to the best of his ability medieval understanding of what was a witness. But then in there were no planes, helicopters and missiles that, like usually taken as a UFO. Then I myself decided to study the tracks contacts of our ancestors with extraterrestrial civilizations. And saw the most impressive ones — for example, a tombstone with an “astronaut” in Palenque. (This refers to the figure in the Mayan pyramid. – Auth.) And the truth is, is very similar! Edgar Mitchell

A photo open source Elderly astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sixth by account landed on the moon, revealed to reporters one of the secrets of NASA. According to the American, the plot of the Hollywood blockbuster “People in black “- the most harsh truth of life: aliens are already repeatedly came into contact with earthlings, and this interplanetary communication lasts at least 60 years, but the government carefully hides all the facts. Mitchell Bachelor of Science in areas of aviation construction and a doctorate in aeronautics and astronautics, admitted that while working at NASA He himself was aware of a number of alien visits to Earth. According to astronaut, his colleagues, who were fortunate enough to contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, described their counterparts as “little people strangely like us.” If you believe Mitchell, the ideas of aliens compiled by filmmakers, quite true: these are creatures with a small body, large eyes and disproportionately large heads. Stephen Hawking

A photo from open sources One of the most famous physicists, the British Stephen Hawking also believes in the existence of aliens, but he is sure that meetings with representatives of alien civilizations do not promise us nothing good. Based on his knowledge of physics and mathematics, he does not deny the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization, but hopes that this meeting will not happen. By his In the opinion, if alien technologies are far superior to ours, they will necessarily form their colony on Earth and eventually enslave humanity. “If residents of other worlds arrive, then the consequences may be the same as for the Indians at the time of Columbus’s arrival America – that is, not the best, “said the scientist. way, instead of trying to make contact with foreign creatures, on the contrary, we need to try to avoid it, Hawking says. Astrophysicist suggests that aliens can exist in giant spaceships, destroying everything resources of their home planet. For many years now, people have been sent to space unmanned vehicles with human images and detailed diagrams indicating the location of our planet. Besides, in space radio signals are sent regularly – with the hope that their foreign civilizations will notice. In the universe more than 100 billion different galaxies, and in every galaxy – hundreds of millions of stars. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the Earth is far from the only planet where life exists, says the scientist. “By to my mathematical understanding, numbers alone make me think that aliens exist. The real problem is to figure out what they look like, “he said. Hawking was described the alleged appearance of aliens, which is not at all similar to what we see in the movie. In his opinion, intelligent life may resemble the likeness of creatures with abnormally large mouths and many tails and large elephant-shaped monsters covered with hair, depending on the planet habitat. Tom Cruise

A photo open source Hollywood actor Tom Cruise admitted that he believes in aliens, and that he would even like to leave Earth and take a shuttle trip to meet one of them. In his opinion, it would be arrogant to believe that people are the only living organisms in all galaxies in the universe. The actor hopes that one day he will realize his innermost desire, because space tourism is now developing rapidly the pace. Scientologists say the goal of their teaching is to free humanity from the negative influence of alien souls. The founder Scientology was Ron Hubbard (1911-1986). First mention of the movement he created dates back to 1953. It appeared in the USA, and today its representative offices, which number about ten million members are available in thirty states. In some Scientology movement is prohibited and equates to sectarianism. There are many famous people among Scientology adherents. Tom Cruise is one of them. According to some information, leaked to print, he, having gone through seven levels of training and initiation, became in organizations person number two, with the right hand of the head of the church Scientology by David Miscavige. In 2004, he received from Miscavige “Medal of Freedom and Valor (for Achievements in the Field Perfection). “Cruz accepted this award with tears in his eyes and knelt before the portrait of Hubbard. Official biographer Cruise Andrew Morton thinks Tom is a rising star Scientology. According to him, having reached a high level of initiation, which is called “Operating Thetan 7,” Cruz became practically by superman: “The operating thetan must be able to control flows of energy and time, as well as modify matter. “What do these secret levels of initiation really mean? goal Scientology Religion – Raising the Human Spirit to More high level through lengthy training and seminars, “improving” personality. In 1952, Hubbard stated that after Scientology listening and insight into the teachings of any man “will gain the ability to easily free others from diseases and various abnormalities. “And upon reaching levels “operating thetan” a person will be able to influence the environment the world by the power of thought. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

A photo from open sources First President of the Republic of Kalmykia and President of the World Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov argued that he was abducted by aliens from his Moscow apartment 18 September 1997 This event had three witnesses: his driver, assistant and a certain minister. Government officials they even demanded that the Russian president interrogate Ilyumzhinov so that make sure that he has not issued any state secrets aliens. The world learned about this on April 26, 2010, when the presenter Channel One Vladimir Pozner in his program asked Kirsan Ilyumzhinova: – I have never met a man who would himself said that he had visited the interplanetary spaceship of aliens. it really happened? “Seriously, yes, it was,” answered Head of the Republic of Kalmykia. And briefly told his amazing the story of the first and last contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization that happened in Moscow in his apartment in Leontief side street. – There were no repetitions? – specified Pozner. – There were no repetitions, – assured Ilyumzhinov. The historic meeting took place late at night September 18, 1997, when Kirsan Nikolaevich went to bed, after reading a book and watching TV. And suddenly I noticed that it opened balcony door. Came out. And there is a translucent pipe to the balcony stretches. In the pipe – aliens in yellow spacesuits. They are calling. With them Kalmyk leader and flew away. On an alien ship, of course. The transfer of Vladimir Pozner with these straightforwardly sensational somehow I was not immediately shocked by the memories of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov civilized world. And a few days later. And only after the State Duma deputy drew attention to the revelation that sounded in it from LDPR Andrei Lebedev. He sent the deputy letter directly To the President of the Russian Federation, where he expressed concern that the head of the Republic Kalmykia, being the carrier of classified information, could have it – information – to blurt out to representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. After such a “feed” the Western press has already exploded. Appreciated the sensation. Hundreds of newspapers around the world have recognized: the communication of the president of the republic with aliens – a unique case. But no one understood why he was talking about told this. And in Russia, probably, there will be people who they will think: “A strange act for the head of the subject of the Federation.” “Posner asked, I answered,” Ilyumzhinov explained his behavior. People close to ufology, of course, are in the know: Kalmyk leader far from the first time talks about his contact with aliens. And no longer shaking with delight. Moreover, nothing he does not report new. Not everyone knows that for the first time Kirsan Nikolaevich revealed a miracle of revelation on July 22, 2001, speaking at Radio Liberty. And then nobody, sorry, pulled his tongue leading question. Speaking about chess prospects himself, suddenly complained: “There was an idea of ​​Ostap Bender to conduct intergalactic competition, but honestly, now there is no time – in space. Once I flew already … True, not our Russian space ships, but with aliens. Once they took me to space. ““ Who took it? ”the host asked.“ Well, here on “plate” flew in, took away, and now I was in space for a day, – specified Ilyumzhinov. At the time of the performance, Kirsan Nikolaevich was already the current president of Kalmykia, elections for the next term – only in a year. He is already 6 years as the president of FIDE. And nowhere else torn. That is, an unexpected and strange revelation is by no means a PR. So this is an obsession. When asked how they looked aliens, Ilyumzhinov, slightly hot and feeling distrust with side of the leaders, replied: – Well, as humans. This is how it looked. – Healthy, 2 meters? How are they often described? – asked him clarify. – Well no. Do not take me as a schizophrenic. I just I say that I saw them. It’s normal how we communicate, so here I am and saw. “Did they give you any parting words?” Programmed on further? “No,” Ilyumzhinov answered. – Nothing … I never I understood … Then he went around for several days and thought: “Why me taken away? “And I scolded myself that I hadn’t asked them questions … But maybe It’s not yet time for these extraterrestrial civilizations to meet … And do we need to meet now? I believe that is not necessary. IN morally, we have not reached the level where we can to meet with these civilizations, with aliens. And 66-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of a former Japanese prime minister, in 2008 year released a book in which she wrote that 20 years ago aliens assisted her in space travel. “While my body was asleep,” she recalled, “my soul went to Venus on a triangular UFO. It is beautiful green Planet. I really liked it there. “US President Jimmy Carter did not know close with the aliens, but on January 6, 1969 observed a UFO. In the sky, he said, “the most damn the thing of all that I saw. “The object was” large, very bright, changing colors. “Shocked, Jimmy promised:” I never I will not mock people saying what they saw unidentified objects in the sky. ”

Time Universe Galaxy Life NASA NATO Rocket Russia Steven Hawking USA Japan

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