Slovak gypsies pray in a kitchen stove

Slovak gypsies pray in the kitchen stovePhotos from open sources of

In the Slovak city of Batizovce in the south of the country, it happened as consider members of the local gypsy Christian community, the present miracle. The face of Jesus appeared on the stove in the house of the local family Of Christ. The plate even managed to become an object of pilgrimage among others community residents.

The hostess of the family says that she was cooking dinner, as usual. The woman put a pot in the oven, and when her eyes fell on the door oven, she suddenly noticed the face of the Savior, distinctly emerging on glass.

It is noteworthy that the Slovak did not immediately consider that this is a sign from above, taking it simply for a random pattern left on the inside of the door with dust, steam or grease. Therefore gypsy at first she tried to wipe the drawing, and she even succeeded – and more than once, however, the image continued to appear again in its previous form.

A photo from open sources

Currently, a woman is not able to use own stove as local gypsies declared heating device Christian shrine. Pilgrims (of course, with the permission of the family) regularly visit this house and pray directly to the kitchen.

Some of these believers are convinced that God sent them such a sign. The gypsy community lives very poorly and perhaps Almighty in a similar way makes the gypsies understand that they are in the foreseeable Significant changes for the future await the future. You only need to believe and pray …

A photo from open sources

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