A photo from open sources
In the winter of 1985, the Trud newspaper presented the real world sensation. In the issue of January 30, the third page was published a small note “Exactly at 4.10 …”, which literally blew up information space.
The newspaper then came out with a 20 million circulation, but by noon in her stalls were gone. The next day, the material was reprinted the largest news agencies and leading media around the world. A those Soviet readers who were fortunate enough to hold in their hands treasured issue of “Labor”, to this day they keep the yellowed newspaper as relic.
“Recognize the fact as erroneous and harmful”
The note dealt with as much about the visit of aliens. Last night, the Tu-134A aircraft of the Estonian Civil Administration aircraft, piloted by the crew of commander Igor Cherkashin, in the sky over Belarus met with a UFO.
An unidentified flying object bizarrely changed outlines, turning into a multi-colored cloud, then into a likeness unknown aircraft, dazzlingly bright beam alternately illuminated the night sky, the earth, the cockpit of the liner. How then it turned out a similar picture was seen by the Georgian oncoming crew the plane en route Leningrad – Tbilisi was observed facility on its radars and ground services. Meeting information with UFO was immediately classified, all related to the mysterious stories gave a non-disclosure subscription.
Today the tabloid press continually presents such stories that no one takes seriously for a long time. But in Soviet time to the printed word, and even in the most circulation the country’s newspaper, the reader believed. Higher authorities strictly watched so that only reliable information is printed in newspapers – Verified and approved for publication. That is why the fact appearance in the “Labor” material based on the story of the pilots Estonian aircraft produced the effect of an exploding bomb.
And the first blast wave covered everyone related to preparation of material. Strict penalties were received by the author Vostrukhin, editor of the department of science Belitsky, duty editor Emelyanov, editor-in-chief Kravchenko. Trud was then a trade union newspaper, and The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Resolution: “Recognize the publication of the article” Exactly at 4.10 “in the newspaper Trud special correspondent V. Vostrukhin erroneous and harmful. ”
Nevertheless, let us not rush to conclusions. Even decades later it’s too early to put an end to that mysterious story. We were convinced of this, when they tried to find the heroes of a long-standing publication and those who were with connected by them.
Folk remedy for stress
We found traces of the Tu-134 crew in the former Soviet, and now independent Estonia. Father Boris, the abbot of the local one, helped Orthodox church. Among the benefactors of the temple was a businessman Gennady Lazurin, former co-pilot of the airliner. That night he turned out to be the most cold-blooded on board and even left documentaries evidence – managed to sketch out the UFO contours on several sheets notepad.
We asked how the fate of the crew amazing flight.
“We flew together for another seven years,” answered Gennady Ivanovich, “ until in 1991, after Estonia declared independence, it was closed our civil aviation authority. Commander Igor Cherkashin shook off for different companies, now he is the chief pilot on a jet in Tallinn “Panaviatik”. Yura Ognev has retired since navigators simply did not work in the air. He went in for trade real estate, and quite successfully. I was one of union organizers pilots. We even managed to enter international association, but then in the industry unions were foreign body – we, the activists, were the first to be asked to leave. I first organized the transport company Aerotax Avias, which is still alive. And in 1994 he created the airline Enimex Ltd. Until 2007, we flew on the IL-76 and An-72, while Europe did not close the sky for these airplanes due to noise and ecology. Now doing everything that will turn up by the arm, including Combat vehicles.
And that publication in Trud almost put an end to his career. At us in the squad was a closed debriefing, we are all in detail talked about meeting with UFOs. And when the information leaked into the press, the crew began to drag in the KGB for interrogation. For disclosure threatened with reprimands and organizational conclusions. Thank you in the ministry and in the first section of the KGB, where our case was investigated, did not go to extremes: the crew was disbanded, but they all gave us calmly work.
I know that for Georgian pilots a meeting with a UFO had tragic consequences. Crew members got heavy diseases, the commander died a year later. Why did it happen so? I can state your version. Our plane did not change the route, we just reported everything they saw to the ground. A Georgian board on command Minsk air traffic controller went towards the facility. Maybe aliens Is this interpreted as a danger signal?
Although there could be another, much more prosaic reason. We have there were two days ahead. Well, upon arrival in Tallinn, the whole crew, in order to relieve stress, he went to the deputy hall. We immediately accepted a solid dose of cognac on the chest, and then, when the stores opened, still added. Maybe it saved? And Georgians just do not relax Could, because immediately went on another flight.
Department of Extraterrestrial Civilizations
We could not find the crew of the Georgian plane. I would like to to hope for the best. It is authentically known that at least three a crew member after meeting with a UFO was seriously ill. Commander B. Gotsiridze was diagnosed with bone marrow damage, he was written off to the ground and died a year later. Flight attendant as a result irradiation received severe skin disease. Co-pilot Yuri Kabachnikov was also soon suspended from flights. But I had to long upholstered the thresholds of medical institutions to prove that he lost health in the performance of professional duties.
Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir S. in February 1985 personally examined the co-pilot of the Georgian Tu-134. That’s what he told us told:
– Then I went through residency in the clinic of civil aviation. In our department for the examination of flight personnel, Kabachnikov conducted two weeks. He said that the crew received a flight dispatcher command towards the UFO, and immediately after the aircraft’s turn, the object sent to them a blinding ray.
The pilot believed that they all suffered precisely from this exposure.
In the conclusion of the Tbilisi doctors, we read that Kabachnikov subjected to a very powerful electromagnetic effect. Absolutely the form of the cardiogram turned out to be incredible: usually it is jagged, and she was sinusoidal, that is, it took the form electromagnetic waves. It looked about the same and encephalogram. We sent the pilot to the Kurchatov Institute, where it was found that it is also a source of ionizing radiation.
Thanks to acquaintances at the Academy of Sciences, Kabachnikov made his way to higher authorities. He told me that in one important body there is special department for the study of extraterrestrial civilizations, and there it put on record. And in the end he was given disability as victim in the line of duty.
The doctor has a copy of Yuri’s explanatory note Kabachnikova:
“The flight was carried out at a given level of 10.100 m, cloudiness was absent. After entering the air traffic control zone of the Minsk RC while listening the radio communications of the oncoming Tu-134 with the dispatcher, I realized that to his right, he observes a luminous object above. The dispatcher turned to us, but I replied that I was not observing anything. However, after 1-2 minutes of flight in the direction indicated by the dispatcher discovered a luminous object of bright green color. He had this moment a cigar-shaped form, three bright beams of light departed from it. At the same time, two more light rays of lower intensity. At the direction of the dispatcher I went to a rapprochement with the object, which after 2-3 minutes abruptly turned to the left and stopped. The front beam is focused, and then briefly lit our plane with a very bright light. After of this, the beam dropped sharply again to a vertical position, expanded to 10–15 °, focused again, quickly drew on the ground contour of the rectangle, followed by sharp zigzag strokes illuminated sequentially the entire area of this the rectangle. The plane was located somewhat north of the inhabited point Pleshchanytsy, 70 kilometers from Minsk. Lighted area object, was at a distance of 25–35 kilometers – near the city Borisov.
In case of discrepancy with the oncoming Tu-134, the object was on the same height, and while we were able to observe it, followed in parallel with an onboard side and was somewhat to the right. The object was observed up to 5.10 “.
These are not tales, but a reason for reflection
Perhaps the main discovery that we made in preparation material: there are many reputable experts who convinced of the existence of other civilizations and UFO visits to our The earth. Here are some testimonies of people that cannot be attributed to talkers.
Marina Popovich, military test pilot:
– I am fully convinced of the veracity of what I am writing about … Only for post-war period, hundreds of thousands of people in different countries watched UFO. The same type of hallucination? Massive mental disorders? Judging by the statistics of psychiatry, this simply can not be! Volume UFO Information Collected by Scientific Organizations and Groups enthusiast is huge. And it’s time for the state to seriously study it.
Valery Khayryuzov, former civil aviation pilot, writer:
– In our Irkutsk squad, they recalled how in the 50s An-12 truck crashed. Before the disaster, the commander reported to the dispatcher, that right on the course there is an oncoming board, although on locators did not observe anything. The crew tried to dodge collision with an unknown object, lost orientation and crashed into the ground.
Svetlana Omelchenko, research astronaut:
– In 1989, I met with Murman Gvenetadze, the only not injured after meeting with a UFO member of the Tbilisi crew Tu-134. He explained his miraculous salvation by sitting in side, when a blinding ray passed through the commander’s head, the hands of the stewardess and the chest of the co-pilot. They then did not think about danger, just sincerely admired the incredible maneuver unfamiliar aircraft.
Alexander Akimenkov, test pilot:
– In the winter of the 85th, we practiced missile launches on the Su-27. In front I’m in the cockpit, behind – Victor Afanasyev, future astronaut. Brought target in a given area, but she suddenly lost control and collapsed to the ground. And at this moment the flight director reports on the radio: “Above you is an object with a diameter of 600 meters. Act carefully and gain height. ”
We are going up steeply by 10, 15, 20 thousand – and all the time We feel that the object is nearby. Then they turned around and left for the base – from sin away …
Time Aircraft