Photo from open source Says the pilot Lev Vyatkin: “I I would like to tell readers about some oddities in the phenomenon UFO We will talk about the so-called “hard beam”, which sometimes includes a “plate”. I’ll start in order and try not to lower even small details of this endlessly mysterious encounter with a UFO. The rendezvous happened this time in the air during night flights in Crimea, in August 1967. And this is what happened … I took off on interceptor fighter for training flight. It was 23 hours with minutes. He turned on the afterburner and climbed 10 thousand meters. Clarified his location, reported on it flight director and gently entered the car into the left turn … Was moonless night. I take the liberty of claiming that heavenly the vault available to the pilot for observations from the stratosphere is very different from that which is visible to man from the earth. Rarefied air allows you to distinguish between an incredible number of stars that are not flicker! There are so many of them that the constellations are drowning in them. Interesting that at the same time as climbing, a special stereoscopic effect: the eye gains the ability to distinguish celestial objects by remoteness. Vision is extremely sharp. (This effect astronauts also note in orbit.) For example, the Milky Way and its the “fiber-star” structure seems voluminous. This stereoscopic effect and visual bottomlessness of the visible Universe especially excite and fascinate … My plane obediently performed half a turn and now looked with the tip of the cabin toward the sea. Far below, a bent horseshoe flickered with the lights of Yalta. Habitually I control the testimony of flight instruments. Behind the armored chair the rustle of a running engine … And at that moment I suddenly saw what then troubled me for a long time, made me again and again seek an explanation of what happened. I saw THIS when, looking up from the appliances, looked ahead: a large bright object in the form a luminous oval or strongly convex lens “cleaved” above me left. Рисунки автора
Photo from open sources
Worried by such a close presence of a foreign object, I immediately asked the flight manager: “Who is in the zone?” He said that, besides me, no one was being observed in the zone and that everyone aircraft landed. Trying not to lose sight of the weird object, I put the car in the right turn. In the brain immediately arose thought: “Is that UFO – Ural Federal District?” Dodging a dangerous rapprochement, I tried to determine where the object is moving? However after a few seconds, he began to “go out”, and as if it were done from the inside, using a rheostat. Having completed a complete turn, my plane returned to starting point. After some thought, I still decided to fulfill and left turn, so as not to change the approved flight mission. At the same time I tried to be extremely attentive. Last thing It turned out to be very helpful. As soon as I set a given roll, speed and added speed to the turbine, as if the course is from somewhere above a white light flashed, and immediately after it came a little ahead sloping milky white ray. He was fast approaching and I don’t take it away on time roll, would certainly poke his nose into it or, more correctly say the cockpit. And yet I hit the beam with the left wing! At the same time, despite the high speed of approach, accompanying the UFO with a look, I distinctly saw and felt something very strange. White the beam, as soon as it touched the wing, instantly crumbled into small sparkles resembling a flickering scattering of fading holiday fireworks. At the same time, my plane shook violently. Steel appliances roll off alternately left-right and with a metronome frequency. “What apiece! Does the beam seem to be “solid”? “I thought involuntarily, trying make out a flickering pillar going far down. In a few seconds everything disappeared – and the beam and the light above … When the Greek the philosopher Socrates, the students asked difficult questions, he was transformed and said: “We are exploring. It is necessary to help a new thought be born!” Wherein he assured that this method was suggested to him by his mother Filaret, who was a midwife. We will follow this method.
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From his own experience, man knows that there are no “hard rays”. However, as a pilot, I managed to meet this oddity, and this the strangeness is real and perhaps constitutes a feature of UFOs. Believe me, it was a great relief to read in the newspaper an article entitled “Ecumenical Ghosts” (“Komsomolskaya Pravda” dated 10/17/89) that “hard rays” really exist and that their impact was not felt by me alone. Head of City Police Voronezh In Selyavkin said that he walked one country night dear in the vicinity of the city. Suddenly, straight from the sky fell on him such a bright and powerful ray of light that he felt it right physically. The beam bent it to the ground with its weight, and then went into side and disappeared. The described phenomenon is repeatedly mentioned in other sources of information. At the same time, another peculiarity, no less strange: the ray emanating from a UFO has the ability to extend like a tripod or probe, breaking off sharply on the end. November 1, 1990 passengers of the Surgut flight – Kuybyshev observed through the windows a “light probe” extending from a spherical object to the plane. Mysterious balls emitting a solid beam, recorded by pilots near Irkutsk and Volgograd, in Altai region and over the Northern Urals. A similar phenomenon was observed during France, USA, Italy. Features of the “solid beam” none of the physicists cannot yet give an explanation. Its nature and function are not clear. And the beam is it? A different term is clearly needed here, but which? What physical laws form it? Academic science is silent … That’s why the sensation of the blow that I experienced in contact with the beam, and how the arrows on the dashboard began to “roll off”, make an assumption that this is not a ray of light, but a luminous gas, highly magnetized rod. Holding gas (but which?) In “magnetic tube” or “rod”, in principle, it is possible to create an effect “solid beam” with “extension” and “retraction”. But for us the causality and necessity of such an action with sides of a UFO … So, a beam that extends and has an “end face” is perhaps nothing more than a magnetic gas rod. Of course it’s me I’m talking about controversial and unexplored things, but nonetheless I have to take the liberty of expressing your engineering opinion. Curious, that my story among pilots has always been perceived philosophically calmly, without any distrust. At the same time, some suggested quite sensible logical premises. For example: “UFO puts forward its magnetic gas beam probe. “Not just somewhere to the side, but directed toward the ground and possibly uses it as a waveguide to probing and reading extensive information about the Earth’s surface, biomass, temperature, pressure, humidity, radiant energy and other parameters’, which, of course, then go somewhere in bowels of a UFO, in the memory blocks of devices, for example, or anything in this kind, if you consider UFOs as a space messenger. I want to incidentally, that UFO flights over the Crimea are quite frequent, and over by the sea near Sevastopol, another ball with short beam effect. Famous actor Alexei Batalov told at an evening in memory of the writer Konstantin Paustovsky that in the late 60s he was resting with him in Yalta. And one day early in the morning, about 5 hours, for 10 minutes from the balcony of the sanatorium the two of them watched a UFO in the form of a luminous huge ball … One in short, a UFO throws us a lot of puzzles, and “retractable magnetic-gas rod “- one of them. Simulate something Scientists have not yet taken similar in laboratories. But I want to mention another: for some reason, in the role of “announcers” of the general UFO phenomenon, often scientists come forward who did not bother to engage in collecting and logical analysis of information about the “plates”. And here is the result – their denial acquired the character of surface-abstract exercises, passing accusing ufologists of mysticism and self-deception. However, with modern the flow of completely reliable information about the visits of alien probes words on mysticism on our planet are self-deception, scientific phraseology without methodology. UFO is a reality!
Crimea Aircraft